The Kornilov revolt is treated in detail in my forthcoming volume, “Kornilov to Brest–Litovsk.” The responsibility of Kerensky for the situation which gave rise to Kornilov’s attempt is now pretty clearly established. Many apologists for Kerensky say that he knew of Kornilov’s plans, and by a trick drew him out prematurely2, and then crushed him. Even Mr. A. J. Sack, in his book, “The Birth of the Russian Democracy,” says:
“Several things… are almost certain. The first is that Kerensky knew about the movement of several detachments from the Front toward Petrograd, and it is possible that as Prime Minister and Minister of War, realising the growing Bolshevist danger, he called for them….”
The only flaw in that argument is that there was no “Bolshevist danger” at that time, the Bolsheviki still being a powerless minority in the Soviets4, and their leaders in jail or hiding.
Democratic Conference
When the Democratic Conference was first proposed to Kerensky, he suggested an assembly of all the elements in the nation —“the live forces,” as he called them — including bankers, manufacturers, land-owners, and representatives of the Cadet party. The Soviet3 refused, and drew up the following table of representation, which Kerensky agreed to:
100 delegates All–Russian Soviets Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies
100 delegates All–Russian Soviets Peasants’ Deputies
50 delegates Provincial6 Soviets Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies
50 delegates Peasants’ District Land Committees
100 delegates Trade unions
84 delegates Army Committees at the Front
150 delegates Workers’ and Peasants’ Cooperative Societies
20 delegates Railway Workers’ union
10 delegates Post and Telegraph Workers’ union
20 delegates Commercial Clerks
15 delegates Liberal Professions — Doctors, Lawyers, Journalists, etc.
50 delegates Provincial Zemstvos
59 delegates Nationalist Organisations — Poles, Ukraineans, etc.
This proportion was altered twice or three times. The final disposition8 of delegates was:
300 delegates All–Russian Soviets Workers’, Soldiers’ & Peasants’ Deputies
300 delegates Cooperative Societies
300 delegates Municipalities
150 delegates Army Committees at the Front
150 delegates Provincial Zemstvos
200 delegates Trade unions
100 delegates Nationalist Organisations
200 delegates Several small groups
The Function of the Soviets is Ended
On September 28th, 1917, Izviestia, organ of the Tsay-ee-kah, published an article which said, speaking of the last Provisional Ministry9:
“At last a truly democratic government, born of the will of all classes of the Russian people, the first rough form of the future liberal parliamentary régime, has been formed. Ahead of us is the Constituent10 Assembly, which will solve all questions of fundamental law, and whose composition will be essentially11 democratic. The function of the Soviets is at an end, and the time is approaching when they must retire, with the rest of the revolutionary machinery12, from the stage of a free and victorious13 people, whose weapons shall hereafter be the peaceful ones of political action.”
The leading article of Izviestia for October 23d was called, “The Crisis in the Soviet Organisations.” It began by saying that travellers reported a lessening14 activity of local Soviets everywhere. “This is natural,” said the writer. “For the people are becoming interested in the more permanent legislative15 organs — the Municipal Dumas and the Zemstvs….
“In the important centres of Petrograd and Moscow, where the Soviets were best organised, they did not take in all the democratic elements…. The majority of the intellectuals did not participate, and many workers also; some of the workers because they were politically backward, others because the centre of gravity for them was in their Unns…. We cannot deny that these organisations are firmly united with the masses, whose everyday needs are better served by them….
“That the local democratic administrations are being energetically organised is highly important. The City Dumas are elected by universal suffrage18, and in purely19 local matters have more authority than the Soviets. Not a single democrat5 will see anything wrong in this….
“… Elections to the Municipalities are being conduct in a better and more democratic way than the elections to the Soviets… All classes are represented in the Municipalities…. And as soon as the local Self–Governments begin to organise16 life in the Municipalities, the rôle of the local Soviets naturally ends….
“… There are two factors in the falling off of interest in the Soviets. The first we may attribute to the lowering of political interest in the masses; the second, to the growing effort of provincial and local governing bodies to organise the building of new Russia…. The more the tendency lies in this latter direction, the sooner disappears the significance of the Soviets….
“We ourselves are being called the ‘undertakers’ of our own organisation7. In reality, we ourselves are the hardest workers in constructing the new Russia….
“When autocracy20 and the whole bureaucratic21 règimeell, we set up the Soviets as a barracks in which all the democracy cod22 find temporary shelter. Now, instead of barracks, we are building the permanent edifice23 of a new system, and naturally the people will gradually leave the barracks for more comfortable quarters.”
Trotzky’s Speech at the Council of the Russin Republic
“The purpose of the Democratic Conference, which was called by the Tsay-ee-kah, was to do away with the irresponsible personal government which produced Kornilov, and to establish a responsible government which would be capable of finishing the war, and ensure the calling of the Constituent Assembly at the given time. In the meanwhile behind the back of the Democratic Conference, by trickery, by deals between Citizen Kerensky, the Cadets, and the leaders of the Menshevik and Socialist24 Revolutionary parties, we received the opposite result from the officially announced purpose. A power was created around which and in which we have open and secret Kornilovs playing leading parts. The irresponsibility of the Government is offically proclaimed, when it is announced that the Council of the Russian Republic is to be a consultative and not legislative body. In the eighth month of the Revolution, the irresponsible Government creates a cover for itself in this new edition of Bieligen’s Duma.
“The propertied classes have entered this Provision Council in a proportion which clearly shows, from elections all over the country, that many of them have no right here whatever. In spite of that the Cadet party, which until yesterday wanted the Provisional Government to be responsible to the State Duma — this same Cadet party secured the independence Assembly the propertied classes will no doubt have as favourable26 position than they have in this Council, and they will not be able to be irresponsible to the Constituent Assembly.
“If the propertied classes were really getting ready for the Constituent Assembly six weeks from now, there could be no reason for establishing the irresponsibility of the Government at this time. The whole truth is that the bourgeoisie, which directs the policies of the Provisional Government, has for its aim to break the Constituent Assembly. At present this is the main purpose of the propertied classes, which control our entire national policy — external and internal. In the industrial, agrarian27 and supply departments the politics of the propertied classes, acting28 with the Government, increases the natural disorganisation caused by the war. The propertied classes, which are provoking a peasants’ revolt! The propertied classes, which are provoking civil war, and openly hold their course on the bony hand of hunger, with which they intend to overthrow29 the Revolution and finish with the Constituent Assembly!
“No less criminal also is the international policy of the bourgeoisie and its Government. After forty months of war, the capital is threatened with mortal danger. In reply to this arises a plan to move the Government to Moscow. The idea of abandoning the capital does not stir the indignation of the bourgeoisie. Just the opposite. It is accepted as a natural part of the general policy designed to promote counter-revolutionary conspiracy30. … Instead of recognising that the salvation31 of the country lies in concluding peace, instead of throwing openly the idea of immediate32 peace to all the worn-out peoples, over the heads of diplomats33 and imperialists, and making the continuation of the war impossible — the Provisional Government, by order of the Cadets, the Counter–Revolutionists and the Allied34 Imperialists, without sense, without purpose and without a plan, continues to drag on the murderous war, sentencing to useless death new hundreds of thousands of soldiers and sailors, and preparing to give up Petrograd, and to wreck35 the Revolution. At a time when Bolshevik soldiers and sailors are dying with other soldiers and sailors as a result of the mistakes and crimes of others, the so-called Supreme36 Commander (Kerensky) continues to suppress the Bolshevik press. The leading parties of the Council are acting as a voluntary cover for these policies.
“We, the faction37 of Social Democrats38 Bolsheviki, announce that with this Government of Treason to the People we have nothing in common. We have nothing in common with the work of these Murderers of the People which goes on behind official curtains. We refuse either directly or indirectly39 to cover up one day of this work. While Wilhelm’s troops are threatening Petrograd, the Government of Kerensky and Kornilov is preparing to run away from Petrograd and turn Moscow into a base of counter-revolution!
“We warn the Moscow workers and soldiers to be on their guard. Leaving this Council, we appeal to the manhood and wisdom of the workers, peasants and soldiers of all Russia. Petrograd is in danger! The Revolution is in danger! The Government has increased the danger — the ruling classes intensify40 it. Only the people themselves can save themselves and the country.
“We appeal to the people. Long live immediate, honest, democratic peace! All power to the Soviets! All land to the people! Long live the Constituent Assembly!”
The “Nakaz” To Skobeliev
(Passed by the Tsay-ee-kah and given to Skobeliev as an instruction for the representative of the Russian Revolutionary democracy at the Paris Conference.)
The peace treaty must be based on the principle, “No annexations41, no indemnities42, the right of self-determination of peoples.”
Territorial43 Problems
(1) Evacuation of German troops from invaded Russia. Full right of self-determination to Poland, Lithuania and Livonia.
(2) For Turkish Armenia autonomy, and later complete self-determination, as soon as local Governments are established.
(3) The question of Alsace–Lorraine to be solved by a plebiscite, after the withdrawal44 of all foreign troops.
(4) Belgium to be restored. Compensation for damages from an international fund.
(5) Serbia and Montenegro to be restored, and aided by an international relief fund. Serbia to have an outlet45 on the Adriatic. Bosnia and Herzegovina to be autonomous46.
(6) The disputed provinces in the Balkans to have provisional autonomy, followed by a plebiscite.
(7) Rumania to be restored, but forced to give complete self-determination to the Dobrudja…. Rumania must be forced to execute the clauses of the Berlin Treaty concerning the Jews, and recognise them as Rumanian citizens.
(8) In Italia Irridenta a provisional autonomy, followed by a plebiscite to determine state dependence25.
(9) The German colonies to be returned.
(10) Greece and Persia to be restored.
Freedom of the Seas
All straits opening into inland seas, as well as the Suez and Panama Canals, are to be neutralised. Commercial shipping47 to be free. The right of privateering to be abolished. The torpedoing48 of commercial ships to be forbidden.
All combatants to renounce49 demands for any indemnities, either direct or indirect — as, for instance, charges for the maintenance of prisoners. Indemnities and contributions collected during the war must be refunded50.
Economic Terms
Commercial treaties are not to be a part of the peace terms. Every country must be independent in its commercial relations, and must not be obliged to, or prevented from, concluding an economic treaty, by the Treaty of Peace. Nevertheless, all nations should bind51 themselves, by the Peace Treaty, not to practise an economic blockade after the war, nor to form separate tariff52 agreements. The right of most favoured nation must be given to all countries without distinction.
Guarantees of Peace
Peace is to be concluded at the Peace Conference by delegates elected by the national representative institutions of each country. The peace terms are to be confirmed by these parliaments.
Secret diplomacy53 is to be abolished; all parties are to bind themselves not to conclude any secret treaties. Such treaties are declared in contradiction to international law, and void. All treaties, until confirmed by the parliaments of the different nations, are to be considered void.
Gradual disarmament both on land and sea, and the establishment of a militia54 system. The “League of Nations” advanced by President Wilson may become a valuable aid to international law, provided that (a), all nations are to be obliged to participate in it with equal rights, and (b), international politics are to be democratised.
Ways to Peace
The Allies are to announce immediately that they are willing to open peace negotiations55 as soon as the enemy powers declare their consent to the renunciation of all forcible annexations.
The Allies must bind themselves not to begin any peace negotiations, nor to conclude peace, except in a general Peace Conference with the participation56 of delegates from all the neutral countries.
All obstacles to the Stockholm Socialist Conference are to be removed, and passports are to be given immediately to all delegates of parties and organisations who wish to participate.
(The Executive Committee of the Peasants’ Soviets also issued a nakaz, which differs little from the above.)
Peace at Russia’s Expense
The Ribot revelations of Austria’s peace-offer to France; the so-called “Peace Conference” at Berne, Switzerland, during the summer of 1917, in which delegates participated from all belligerent57 countries, representing large financial interests in all these countries; and the attempted negotiations of an English agent with a Bulgarian church dignitary; all pointed58 to the fact that there were strong currents, on both sides, favourable to patching up a peace at the expense of Russia. In my next book, “Kornilov to Brest–Litovsk,” I intend to treat this matter at some length, publishing several secret documents discovered in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Petrograd.
Russian Soldiers in France
Official Report of the Provisional Government.
“From the time the news of the Russian Revolution reached Paris, Russian newspapers of extreme tendencies immediately began to appear; and these newspapers, as well as individuals, freely circulated among the soldier masses and began a Bolshevik propaganda, often spreading false news which appeared in the French journals. In the absence of all official news, and of precise details, this campaign provoked discontent among the soldiers. The result was a desire to return to Russia, and a hatred59 toward the officers.
“Finally it all turned into rebellion. In one of their meetings, the soldiers issued an appeal to refuse to drill, since they had decided60 to fight no more. It was decided to isolate61 the rebels, and General Zankievitch ordered all soldiers loyal to the Provisional Government to leave the camp of Courtine, and to carry with them all ammunition62. On June 25th the order was executed; there remained at the camp only the soldiers who said they would submit ‘conditionally’ to the Provisional Government. The soldiers at the camp of Courtine received several times the visit of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armies abroad, of Rapp, the Commissar of the Ministry of War, and of several distinguished63 former exiles who wished to influence them, but these attempts were unsuccessful, and finally Commissar Rapp insisted that the rebels lay down their arms, and, in sign of submission64, march in good order to a place called Clairvaux. The order was only partially65 obeyed; first 500 men went out, of whom 22 were arrested; 24 hours later about 6,000 followed…. About 2,000 remained….
“It was decided to increase the pressure; their rations17 were diminished, their pay was cut off, and the roads toward the village of Courtine were guarded by French soldiers. General Zankievitch, having discovered that a Russian artillery66 brigade was passing through France, decided to form a mixed detachment of infantry67 and artillery to reduce the rebels. A deputation was sent to the rebels; the deputation returned several hours later, convinced of the futility68 of the negotiations. On September 1st General Zankievitch sent an ultimatum69 to the rebels demanding that they lay down their arms, and menacing in case of refusal to open fire with artillery if the order was not obeyed by September 3d at 10 o’clock.
“The order not being executed, a light fire of artillery was opened on the place at the hour agreed upon. Eighteen shells were fired, and the rebels were warned that the bombardment would become more intense. In the night of September 3d 160 men surrendered. September 4th the artillery bombardment recommenced, and at 11 o’clock, after 36 shells had been fired, the rebels raised two white flags and began to leave the camp without arms. By evening 8,300 men had surrendered. 150 soldiers who remained in the camp opened fire with machine-guns that night. The 5th of September, to make an end of the affair, a heavy barrage70 was laid on the camp, and our soldiers occupied it little by little. The rebels kept up a heavy fire with their machine-guns. September 6th, at 9 o’clock, the camp was entirely71 occupied…. After the disarmament of the rebels, 81 arrests were made….”
Thus the report. From secret documents discovered in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, we know that the account is not strictly72 accurate. The first trouble arose when the soldiers tried to form Committees, as their comrades in Russia were doing. They demanded to be sent back to Russia, which was refused; and then, being considered a dangerous influence in France, they were ordered to Salonika. They refused to go, and the battle followed…. It was discovered that they had been left in camp without officers for about two months, and badly treated, before they became rebellious73. All attempts to find out the name of the “Russian artillery brigade” which had fired on them were futile74; the telegrams discovered in the Ministry left it to be inferred that French artillery was used….
After their surrender, more than two hundred of the mutineers were shot in cold blood.
Terestchenko’s Speech (Resumé)
“… The questions of foreign policy are closely related to those of national defence…. And so, if in questions of national defence you think it is necessary to hold session in secret, also in our foreign policy we are sometimes forced to observe the same secrecy….
“German diplomacy attempts to influence public opinion…. Therefore the declarations of directors of great democratic organisations who talk loudly of a revolutionary Congress, and the impossibility of another winter campaign, are dangerous…. All these declarations cost human lives….
“I wish to speak merely of governmental logic75, without touching76 the questions of the honour and dignity of the State. From the point of view of logic, the foreign policy of Russia ought to be based on a real comprehension of the interests of Russia…. These interests mean that it is impossible that our country remain alone, and that the present alignment77 of forces with us, (the Allies), is satisfactory…. All humanity longs for peace, but in Russia no one will permit a humiliating peace which would violate the State interests of our fatherland!”
The orator78 pointed out that such a peace would for long years, if not for centuries, retard79 the triumph of democratic principles in the world, and would inevitably80 cause new wars.
“All remember the days of May, when the fraternisation on our Front threatened to end the war by a simple cessation of military operations, and lead the country to a shameful81 separate peace… and what efforts it was necessary to use to make the soldier masses at the front understand that it was not by this method that the Russian State must end the war and guarantee its interest….”
He spoke82 of the miraculous83 effect of the July offensive, what strength it gave to the words of Russian ambassadors abroad, and the despair in Germany caused by the Russian victories. And also, the disillusionment in Allied countries which followed the Russian defeat….
“As to the Russian Government, it adhered strictly to the formula of May, ‘No annexations and no punitive84 indemnities.’ We consider it essential not only to proclaim the self-determination of peoples, but also to renounce imperialist aims….”
Germany is continually trying to make peace. The only talk in Germany is of peace; she knows she cannot win.
“I reject the reproaches aimed at the Government which allege85 that Russian foreign policy does not speak clearly enough about the aims of the war….
“If the question arises as to what ends the Allies are pursuing, it is indispensable first to demand what aims the Central Powers have agreed upon….
“The desire is often heard that we publish the details of the treaties which bind the Allies; but people forget that, up to now, we do not know the treaties which bind the Central Powers….”
Germany, he said, evidently wants to separate Russia from the West by a series of weak buffer-states.
“This tendency to strike at the vital interests of Russia must be checked….
“And will the Russian democracy, which has inscribed86 on its banner the rights of nations to dispose of themselves, allow calmly the continuation of oppression upon the most civilised peoples (in Austria–Hungary)?
“Those who fear that the Allies will try to profit by our difficult situation, to make us support more than our share of the burden of war, and to solve the questions of peace at our expense, are entirely mistaken…. Our enemy looks upon Russia as a market for its products. The end of the war will leave us in a feeble condition, and with our frontier open the flood of German products can easily hold back for years our industrial development. Measures must be taken to guard against this….
“I say openly and frankly87: the combination of forces which unites us to the Allies is favourable to the interests of Russia…. It is therefore important that our views on the questions of war and peace shall be in accord with the views of the Allies as clearly and precisely88 as possible…. To avoid all misunderstanding, I must say frankly that Russia must present at the Paris Conference one point of view….”
He did not want to comment on the nakaz to Skobeliev, but he referred to the Manifesto89 of the Dutch–Scandinavian Committee, just published in Stockholm. This Manifesto declared for the autonomy of Lithuania and Livonia; “but that is clearly impossible,” said Terestchenko, “for Russia must have free ports on the Baltic all the year round….
“In this question the problems of foreign policy are also closely related to interior politics, for if there existed a strong sentiment of unity90 of all great Russia, one would not witness the repeated manifestations91, everywhere, of a desire of peoples to separate from the Central Government…. Such separations are contrary to the interests of Russia, and the Russian delegates cannot raise the issue….”
The British Fleet (etc.)
At the time of the naval92 battle of the Gulf93 of Riga, not only the Bolsheviki, but also the Ministers of the Provisional Government, considered that the British Fleet had deliberately94 abandoned the Baltic, as one indication of the attitude so often expressed publicly by the British press, and semi-publicly by British representatives in Russia, “Russia’s finished! No use bothering about Russia!”
See interview with Kerensky (Appendix 13).
GENERAL GURKO was a former Chief of Staff of the Russian armies under the Tsar. He was a prominent figure in the corrupt95 Imperial Court. After the Revolution, he was one of the very few persons exiled for his political and personal record. The Russian naval defeat in the Gulf of Riga coincided with the public reception, by King George in London, of General Gurko, a man whom the Russian Provisional Government considered dangerously pro-German as well as reactionary96!
Appeals Against Insurrection
To Workers and Soldiers
“Comrades! The Dark Forces are increasingly trying to call forth1 in Petrograd and other towns DISORDERS98 AND Pogroms. Disorder97 is necessary to the Dark Forces, for disorder will give them an opportunity for crushing the revolutionary movement in blood. Under the pretext99 of establishing order, and of protecting the inhabitants, they hope to establish the domination of Kornilov, which the revolutionary people succeeded in suppressing not long ago. Woe100 to the people if these hopes are realised! The triumphant101 counter-revolution will destroy the Soviets and the Army Committees, will disperse102 the Constituent Assembly, will stop the transfer of the land to the Land Committees, will put an end to all the hopes of the people for a speedy peace, and will fill all the prisons with revolutionary soldiers and workers.
“In their calculations, the counter-revolutionists and Black Hundred leaders are counting on the serious discontent of the unenlightened part of the people with the disorganisation of the food-supply, the continuation of the war, and the general difficulties of life. They hope to transform every demonstration103 of soldiers and workers into a pogrom, which will frighten the peaceful population and throw it into the arms of the Restorers of Law and Order.
“Under such conditions every attempt to organise a demonstration in these days, although for the most laudable object, would be a crime. All conscious workers and soldiers who are displeased104 with the policy of the Government will only bring injury to themselves and to the Revolution if they indulge in demonstrations105.
The Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies (Tsay-ee-kah)
Russian Social Democratic Labour Party THE DANGER IS NEAR! To All Workers and Soldiers (Read and Hand to Others)
Comrades Workers and Soldiers!
“Our country is in danger. On account of this danger our freedom and our Revolution are passing through difficult days. The enemy is at the gates of Petrograd. The disorganisation is growing with every hours. It becomes more and more difficult to obtain bread for Petrograd. All, of from the smallest to the greatest, must redouble their efforts, must endeavour to arrange things properly…. We must save our country, say freedom…. More arms and provisions for the Army! Bread — for the great cities. Order and organisation in the country….
“And in these terrible critical days rumours107 creep about that SOMEWHERE a demonstration is being prepared, that SOME ONE is calling on the soldiers and workers to destroy revolutionary peace and order…. Rabotchi Put, the newspaper of the Bolsheviki, is pouring oil on the flames: it flattering, trying to please the unenlightened people, tempting108 the worker and soldiers, urging them on against the Government, promising109 them mountains of good things…. The confiding110, ignorant men believe, they do not reason…. And from the other side come also rumours — rumours that the Dark Forces, the friends of the Tsar, the German spies, are rubbing their hands with glee. They are ready to join the Bolsheviki, and with them fan the disorders into civil war.
“The Bolsheviki and the ignorant soldiers and workers seduced111 by them cry senselessly: ‘Down with the Government! All power to the Soviets!’ And the Dark servants of the Tsar and the spies of Wilhelm will egg the on; ‘Beat the Jews, beat the shopkeepers, rob the markets, devastate112 the shops, pillage113 the wine stores! Slay114, burn, rob!’
“And then will begin a terrible confusion, a war between one part of the people and the other. All will become still more disorganised, and perhaps once more blood will be shed on the streets of the capital. And then what then?
“Then, the road to Petrograd will be open to Wilhelm. Then, no bread will come to Petrograd, the children will die of hunger. Then, the Army as the front will remain without support, our brothers in the trenches115 will be delivered to the fire of the enemy. Then, Russia will lose all prestige in other countries, our money will lose its value; everything will be so dear as to make life impossible. Then, the long awaited Constituent Assembly will be postponed116 — it will be impossible to convene117 it in time. And then — Death to the Revolution, Death to our Liberty….
“Is it this that you want, workers and soldiers? No! If you do not then go, go to the ignorant people seduced by the betrayers, and tell them the whole truth, which we have told you!
“Every conscious worker revolutionist, every conscious peasant, every revolutionary soldier, all who understand what harm a demonstration or a revolt against the Government might cause to the people, must join together and not allow the enemies of the people to destroy our freedom.”
The Petrograd Electoral Committee of the Mensheviki-oborontzi.
Lenin’s “Letter to the Comrades”
This series of articles appeared in Rabotchi Put several days running, at the end of October and beginning of November, 1917. I give here only extracts from two instalments:
1. Kameniev and Riazanov say that we have not a majority among the people, and that without a majority insurrection is hopeless.
“Answer: People capable of speaking such things are falsifiers, pedants118, or simply don’t want to look the real situation in the face. In the last elections we received in all the country more than fifty per cent of all thevotes….
“The most important thing in Russia to-day is the peasants’ revolution. In Tambov Government there has been a real agrarian uprising with wonderful political results…. Even Dielo Naroda has been scared into yelling that the land must be turned over to the peasants, and not only the Socialist Revolutionaries in the Council of the Republic, but also the Government itself, has been similarly affected119. Another valuable result was the bringing of bread which had been hoarded120 by the pomieshtchiki to the railroad stations in that province. The Russkaya Volia had to admit that the stations were filled with bread after the peasants’ rising….
“2. We are not sufficiently121 strong to take over the Government, and the bourgeoisie is not sufficiently strong to prevent the Constituent Assembly.
“Answer: This is nothing but timidity, expressed by pessimism122 as regards workers and soldiers, and optimism as regards the failure of the bourgeoisie. If yunkers and Cossacks say they will fight, you believe them; if workmen and soldiers say so, you doubt it. What is the distinction between such doubts and siding politically with the bourgeoisie?
“Kornilov proved that the Soviets were really a power. To believe Kerensky and the Council of the Republic, if the bourgeoisie is not strong enough to break the Soviets, it is not strong enough to break the Constituent. But that is wrong. The bourgeoisie will break the Constituent by sabotage123, by lock-outs, by giving up Petrograd, by opening the front to the Germans. This has already been done in the case of Riga….
“3. The Soviets must remain a revolver at the head of the Government to force the calling of the Constituent Assembly, and to suppress any further Kornilov attempts.
“Answer: Refusal of insurrection is refusal of ‘All Power to the Soviets.’ Since September the Bolshevik party has been discussing the question of insurrection. Refusing to rise means to trust our hopes in the faith of the good bourgeoisie, who have ‘promised’ to call the Constituent Assembly. When the Soviets have all the power, the calling of the Constituent is guaranteed, and its success assured.
“Refusal of insurrection means surrender to the ‘Lieber–Dans.’ Either we must drop ‘All Power to the Soviets’ or make an insurrection; there is no middle course.”
“4. The bourgeoisie cannot give up Petrograd, although the Rodziankos want it, because it is not the bourgeoisie who are fighting, but our heroic soldiers and sailors.
“Answer: This did not prevent two admirals from running away at the Moonsund battle. The Staff has not changed; it is composed of Kornilovtsi. If the Staff, with Kerensky at its head, wants to give up Petrograd, it can do it doubly or trebly. It can make arrangements with the Germans or the British; open the fronts. It can sabotage the Army’s food supply. At all these doors has it knocked.
“We have no right to wait until the bourgeoisie chokes the Revolution. Rodzianko is a man of action, who has faithfully and truthfully served the bourgeoisie for years…. Half the Lieber–Dans are cowardly compromisers; half of them simple fatalists….”
“5. We’re getting stronger every day. We shall be able to enter the Constituent Assembly as a strong opposition124. Then why should we play everything on one card?”
“Answer: This is the argument of a sophomore125 with no practical experience, who reads that the Constituent Assembly is being called and trustfully accepts the legal and constitutional way. Even the voting of the Constituent Assembly will not do away with hunger, or beat Wilhelm…. The issue of hunger and of surrendering Petrograd cannot be decided by waiting for the Constituent Assembly. Hunger is not waiting. The peasants’ Revolution is not waiting. The Admirals who ran away did not wait.
“Blind people are surprised that hungry people, betrayed by admirals and generals, do not take an interest in voting.
“6. If the Kornilovtsi make an attempt, we would show them our strength. But why should we risk everything by making an attempt ourselves?
“Answer: History doesn’t repeat. ‘Perhaps Kornilov will some day make an attempt!’ What a serious base for proletarian action! But suppose Kornilov waits for starvation, for the opening of the fronts, what then? This attitude means to build the tactics of a revolutionary party on one of the bourgeoisie’s former mistakes.
“Let us forget everything except that there is no way out but by the dictatorship of the proletariat — either that or the dictatorship of Kornilov.
“Let us wait, comrades, for — a miracle!”
Miliukov’s Speech (Resumé)
“Every one admits, it seems, that the defence of the country is our principal task, and that, to assure it, we must have discipline in the Army and order in the rear. To achieve this, there must be a power capable of daring, not only by persuasion126, but also by force…. The germ of all our evils comes from the point of view, original, truly Russian, concerning foreign policy, which passes for the Internationalist point of view.
“The noble Lenin only imitates the noble Keroyevsky when he holds that from Russia will come the New World which shall resuscitate127 the aged128 West, and which will replace the old banner of doctrinary Socialism by the new direct action of starving masses — and that will push humanity forward and force it to break in the doors of the social paradise….”
These men sincerely believed that the decomposition129 of Russia would bring about the decomposition of the whole capitalist régime. Starting from that point of view, they were able to commit the unconscious treason, in wartime, of calmly telling the soldiers to abandon the trenches, and instead of fighting the external enemy, creating internal civil war and attacking the proprietors130 and capitalists….
Here Miliukov was interrupted by furious cries from the Left, demanding what Socialist had ever advised such action….
“Martov says that only the revolutionary pressure of the proletariat can condemn131 and conquer the evil will of imperialist cliques132 and break down the dictatorship of these cliques…. Not by an accord between Governments for a limitation of armaments, but by the disarming133 of these Governments and the radical134 democratisation of the military system….”
He attacked Martov viciously, and then turned on the Mensheviki and Socialist Revolutionaries, whom he accused of entering the Government as Ministers with the avowed135 purpose of carrying on the class struggle!
“The Socialists136 of Germany and of the Allied countries contemplated137 these gentlemen with ill-concealed contempt, but they decided that it was for Russia, and sent us some apostles of the Universal Conflagration….
“The formula of our democracy is very simple; no foreign policy, no art of diplomacy, an immediate democratic peace, a declaration to the Allies, ‘We want nothing, we haven’t anything to fight with!’ And then our adversaries138 will make the same declaration, and the brotherhood139 of peoples will be accomplished140!”
Miliukov took a fling at the Zimmerwald Manifesto, and declared that even Kerensky has not been able to escape the influence of “that unhappy document which will forever be your indictment141.” He then attacked Skobeliev, whose position in foreign assemblies, where he would appear as a Russian delegate, yet opposed to the foreign policy of his Government, would be so strange that people would say, “What’s that gentleman carrying, and what shall we talk to him about?” As for the nakaz, Miliukov said that he himself was a pacifist; that he believed in the creation of an International Arbitration142 Board, and the necessity for a limitation of armaments, and parliamentary control over secret diplomacy, which did not mean the abolition143 of secret diplomacy.
As for the Socialist ideas in the nakaz, which he called “Stockholm ideas”— peace without victory, the right of self-determination of peoples, and renunciation of the economic war —
“The German successes are directly proportionate to the successes of those who call themselves the revolutionary democracy. I do not wish to say, ‘to the successes of the Revolution,’ because I believe that the defeats of the revolutionary democracy are victories for the Revolution….
“The influence of the Soviet leaders abroad is not unimportant. One had only to listen to the speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to be convinced that, in this hall, the influence of the revolutionary democracy on foreign policy is so strong, that the Minister does not dare to speak face to face with it about the honour and dignity of Russia!
“We can see, in the nakaz of the Soviets, that the ideas of the Stockholm Manifesto have been elaborated in two direction — that of Utopianism, and that of German interests….
Interrupted by the angry cries of the Left, and rebuked144 by the President, Miliukov insisted that the proposition of peace concluded by popular assemblies, not by diplomats, and the proposal to undertake peace negotiations as soon as the enemy had renounced145 annexations, were pro-German. Recently Kuhlman said that a personal declaration bound only him who made it…. “Anyway, we will imitate the Germans before we will imitate the Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies….”
The sections treating of the independence of Lithuania and Livonia were symptoms of nationalist agitation146 in different parts of Russia, supported, said Miliukov, by German money…. Amid bedlam147 from the Left, he contrasted the clauses of the nakaz concerning Alsace–Lorraine, Rumania, and Serbia, with those treating of the nationalities in Germany and Austria. The nakaz embraced the German and Austrian point of view, said Miliukov.
Passing to Terestchenko’s speech, he contemptuously accused him of being afraid to speak the thought in his mind, and even afraid to think in terms of the greatness of Russia. The Dardanelles must belong to Russia….
“You are continually saying that the soldier does not know why he is fighting, and that when he does know, he’ll fight…. It is true that the soldier doesn’t know why he is fighting, but now you have told him that there is no reason for him to fight, that we have no national interests, and that we are fighting for alien ends….”
Paying tribute to the Allies, who, he said, with the assistance of America, “will yet save the cause of humanity,” he ended:
“Long live the light of humanity, the advanced democracies of the West, who for a long time have been travelling the way we now only begin to enter, with ill-assured and hesitating steps! Long live our brave Allies!”
Interview with Kerensky
The Associated Press man tried his hand. “Mr. Kerensky,” he began, “in England and France people are disappointed with the Revolution ——”
“Yes, I know,” interrupted Kerensky, quizzically. “Abroad the Revolution is no longer fashionable!”
“What is your explanation of why the Russians have stopped fighting?”
“That is a foolish question to ask.” Kerensky was annoyed. “Russia entered the war first of all the Allies, and for a long time she bore the whole brunt of it. Her losses have been inconceivably greater than those of all the other nations put together. Russia has now the right to demand of the Allies that they bring greater force of arms to bear.” He stopped for a moment and stared at his interlocutor. “You are asking why the Russians have stopped fighting, and the Russians are asking where is the British fleet — with German battle-ships in the Gulf of Riga?” Again he ceased suddenly, and as suddenly burst out. “The Russian Revolution hasn’t failed and the revolutionary Army hasn’t failed. It is not the Revolution which caused disorganisation in the army — that disorganisation was accomplished years ago, by the old regime. Why aren’t the Russians fighting? I will tell you. Because the masses of the people are economically exhausted148 — and because they are disillusioned149 with the Allies!”
The interview of which this is an excerpt150 was cabled to the United States, and in a few days sent back by the American State Department, with a demand that it be “altered.” This Kerensky refused to do; but it was done by his secretary, Dr. David Soskice — and, thus purged151 of all offensive references to the Allies, was given to the press of the world….
1 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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2 prematurely | |
adv.过早地,贸然地 | |
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3 Soviet | |
adj.苏联的,苏维埃的;n.苏维埃 | |
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4 soviets | |
苏维埃(Soviet的复数形式) | |
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5 democrat | |
n.民主主义者,民主人士;民主党党员 | |
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6 provincial | |
adj.省的,地方的;n.外省人,乡下人 | |
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7 organisation | |
n.组织,安排,团体,有机休 | |
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8 disposition | |
n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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9 ministry | |
n.(政府的)部;牧师 | |
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10 constituent | |
n.选民;成分,组分;adj.组成的,构成的 | |
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11 essentially | |
adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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12 machinery | |
n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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13 victorious | |
adj.胜利的,得胜的 | |
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14 lessening | |
减轻,减少,变小 | |
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15 legislative | |
n.立法机构,立法权;adj.立法的,有立法权的 | |
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16 organise | |
vt.组织,安排,筹办 | |
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17 rations | |
定量( ration的名词复数 ); 配给量; 正常量; 合理的量 | |
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18 suffrage | |
n.投票,选举权,参政权 | |
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19 purely | |
adv.纯粹地,完全地 | |
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20 autocracy | |
n.独裁政治,独裁政府 | |
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21 bureaucratic | |
adj.官僚的,繁文缛节的 | |
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22 cod | |
n.鳕鱼;v.愚弄;哄骗 | |
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23 edifice | |
n.宏伟的建筑物(如宫殿,教室) | |
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24 socialist | |
n.社会主义者;adj.社会主义的 | |
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25 dependence | |
n.依靠,依赖;信任,信赖;隶属 | |
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26 favourable | |
adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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27 agrarian | |
adj.土地的,农村的,农业的 | |
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28 acting | |
n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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29 overthrow | |
v.推翻,打倒,颠覆;n.推翻,瓦解,颠覆 | |
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30 conspiracy | |
n.阴谋,密谋,共谋 | |
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31 salvation | |
n.(尤指基督)救世,超度,拯救,解困 | |
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32 immediate | |
adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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33 diplomats | |
n.外交官( diplomat的名词复数 );有手腕的人,善于交际的人 | |
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34 allied | |
adj.协约国的;同盟国的 | |
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35 wreck | |
n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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36 supreme | |
adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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37 faction | |
n.宗派,小集团;派别;派系斗争 | |
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38 democrats | |
n.民主主义者,民主人士( democrat的名词复数 ) | |
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39 indirectly | |
adv.间接地,不直接了当地 | |
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40 intensify | |
vt.加强;变强;加剧 | |
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41 annexations | |
n.并吞,附加,附加物( annexation的名词复数 ) | |
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42 indemnities | |
n.保障( indemnity的名词复数 );赔偿;赔款;补偿金 | |
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43 territorial | |
adj.领土的,领地的 | |
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44 withdrawal | |
n.取回,提款;撤退,撤军;收回,撤销 | |
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45 outlet | |
n.出口/路;销路;批发商店;通风口;发泄 | |
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46 autonomous | |
adj.自治的;独立的 | |
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47 shipping | |
n.船运(发货,运输,乘船) | |
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48 torpedoing | |
用爆破筒爆破 | |
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49 renounce | |
v.放弃;拒绝承认,宣布与…断绝关系 | |
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50 refunded | |
v.归还,退还( refund的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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51 bind | |
vt.捆,包扎;装订;约束;使凝固;vi.变硬 | |
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52 tariff | |
n.关税,税率;(旅馆、饭店等)价目表,收费表 | |
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53 diplomacy | |
n.外交;外交手腕,交际手腕 | |
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54 militia | |
n.民兵,民兵组织 | |
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55 negotiations | |
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过 | |
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56 participation | |
n.参与,参加,分享 | |
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57 belligerent | |
adj.好战的,挑起战争的;n.交战国,交战者 | |
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58 pointed | |
adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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59 hatred | |
n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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60 decided | |
adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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61 isolate | |
vt.使孤立,隔离 | |
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62 ammunition | |
n.军火,弹药 | |
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63 distinguished | |
adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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64 submission | |
n.服从,投降;温顺,谦虚;提出 | |
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65 partially | |
adv.部分地,从某些方面讲 | |
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66 artillery | |
n.(军)火炮,大炮;炮兵(部队) | |
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67 infantry | |
n.[总称]步兵(部队) | |
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68 futility | |
n.无用 | |
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69 ultimatum | |
n.最后通牒 | |
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70 barrage | |
n.火力网,弹幕 | |
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71 entirely | |
ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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72 strictly | |
adv.严厉地,严格地;严密地 | |
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73 rebellious | |
adj.造反的,反抗的,难控制的 | |
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74 futile | |
adj.无效的,无用的,无希望的 | |
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75 logic | |
n.逻辑(学);逻辑性 | |
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76 touching | |
adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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77 alignment | |
n.队列;结盟,联合 | |
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78 orator | |
n.演说者,演讲者,雄辩家 | |
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79 retard | |
n.阻止,延迟;vt.妨碍,延迟,使减速 | |
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80 inevitably | |
adv.不可避免地;必然发生地 | |
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81 shameful | |
adj.可耻的,不道德的 | |
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82 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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83 miraculous | |
adj.像奇迹一样的,不可思议的 | |
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84 punitive | |
adj.惩罚的,刑罚的 | |
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85 allege | |
vt.宣称,申述,主张,断言 | |
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86 inscribed | |
v.写,刻( inscribe的过去式和过去分词 );内接 | |
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87 frankly | |
adv.坦白地,直率地;坦率地说 | |
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88 precisely | |
adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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89 manifesto | |
n.宣言,声明 | |
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90 unity | |
n.团结,联合,统一;和睦,协调 | |
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91 manifestations | |
n.表示,显示(manifestation的复数形式) | |
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92 naval | |
adj.海军的,军舰的,船的 | |
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93 gulf | |
n.海湾;深渊,鸿沟;分歧,隔阂 | |
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94 deliberately | |
adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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95 corrupt | |
v.贿赂,收买;adj.腐败的,贪污的 | |
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96 reactionary | |
n.反动者,反动主义者;adj.反动的,反动主义的,反对改革的 | |
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97 disorder | |
n.紊乱,混乱;骚动,骚乱;疾病,失调 | |
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98 disorders | |
n.混乱( disorder的名词复数 );凌乱;骚乱;(身心、机能)失调 | |
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99 pretext | |
n.借口,托词 | |
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100 woe | |
n.悲哀,苦痛,不幸,困难;int.用来表达悲伤或惊慌 | |
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101 triumphant | |
adj.胜利的,成功的;狂欢的,喜悦的 | |
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102 disperse | |
vi.使分散;使消失;vt.分散;驱散 | |
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103 demonstration | |
n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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104 displeased | |
a.不快的 | |
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105 demonstrations | |
证明( demonstration的名词复数 ); 表明; 表达; 游行示威 | |
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106 provocation | |
n.激怒,刺激,挑拨,挑衅的事物,激怒的原因 | |
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107 rumours | |
n.传闻( rumour的名词复数 );风闻;谣言;谣传 | |
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108 tempting | |
a.诱人的, 吸引人的 | |
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109 promising | |
adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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110 confiding | |
adj.相信人的,易于相信的v.吐露(秘密,心事等)( confide的现在分词 );(向某人)吐露(隐私、秘密等) | |
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111 seduced | |
诱奸( seduce的过去式和过去分词 ); 勾引; 诱使堕落; 使入迷 | |
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112 devastate | |
v.使荒芜,破坏,压倒 | |
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113 pillage | |
v.抢劫;掠夺;n.抢劫,掠夺;掠夺物 | |
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114 slay | |
v.杀死,宰杀,杀戮 | |
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115 trenches | |
深沟,地沟( trench的名词复数 ); 战壕 | |
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116 postponed | |
vt.& vi.延期,缓办,(使)延迟vt.把…放在次要地位;[语]把…放在后面(或句尾)vi.(疟疾等)延缓发作(或复发) | |
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117 convene | |
v.集合,召集,召唤,聚集,集合 | |
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118 pedants | |
n.卖弄学问的人,学究,书呆子( pedant的名词复数 ) | |
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119 affected | |
adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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120 hoarded | |
v.积蓄并储藏(某物)( hoard的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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121 sufficiently | |
adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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122 pessimism | |
n.悲观者,悲观主义者,厌世者 | |
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123 sabotage | |
n.怠工,破坏活动,破坏;v.从事破坏活动,妨害,破坏 | |
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124 opposition | |
n.反对,敌对 | |
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125 sophomore | |
n.大学二年级生;adj.第二年的 | |
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126 persuasion | |
n.劝说;说服;持有某种信仰的宗派 | |
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127 resuscitate | |
v.使复活,使苏醒 | |
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128 aged | |
adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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129 decomposition | |
n. 分解, 腐烂, 崩溃 | |
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130 proprietors | |
n.所有人,业主( proprietor的名词复数 ) | |
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131 condemn | |
vt.谴责,指责;宣判(罪犯),判刑 | |
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132 cliques | |
n.小集团,小圈子,派系( clique的名词复数 ) | |
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133 disarming | |
adj.消除敌意的,使人消气的v.裁军( disarm的现在分词 );使息怒 | |
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134 radical | |
n.激进份子,原子团,根号;adj.根本的,激进的,彻底的 | |
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135 avowed | |
adj.公开声明的,承认的v.公开声明,承认( avow的过去式和过去分词) | |
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136 socialists | |
社会主义者( socialist的名词复数 ) | |
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137 contemplated | |
adj. 预期的 动词contemplate的过去分词形式 | |
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138 adversaries | |
n.对手,敌手( adversary的名词复数 ) | |
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139 brotherhood | |
n.兄弟般的关系,手中情谊 | |
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140 accomplished | |
adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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141 indictment | |
n.起诉;诉状 | |
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142 arbitration | |
n.调停,仲裁 | |
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143 abolition | |
n.废除,取消 | |
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144 rebuked | |
责难或指责( rebuke的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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145 renounced | |
v.声明放弃( renounce的过去式和过去分词 );宣布放弃;宣布与…决裂;宣布摒弃 | |
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146 agitation | |
n.搅动;搅拌;鼓动,煽动 | |
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147 bedlam | |
n.混乱,骚乱;疯人院 | |
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148 exhausted | |
adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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149 disillusioned | |
a.不再抱幻想的,大失所望的,幻想破灭的 | |
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150 excerpt | |
n.摘录,选录,节录 | |
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151 purged | |
清除(政敌等)( purge的过去式和过去分词 ); 涤除(罪恶等); 净化(心灵、风气等); 消除(错事等)的不良影响 | |
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