Owner's going abroad tomorrow, flying from Ferryfield. Wish I knew his departure time. Like to have another sight of his Rolls. Thought I'd make him a present of a portable wireless1 set. I'll be going over a bit later in the day. Could you get Miss Ponsonby to book me? Destination unknown for the present. I'll be keeping in touch. Anything your end?'
'How did the game of golf go?'
'I won.'
There was a chuckle2 at the other end. 'Thought you had. Pretty big stakes, weren't they?'
'How did you know?'
'Had Mr Scotland on last night. Said he'd had a tip on the telephone that someone of your name was in possession of a large amount of undeclared dollars. Had we got such a person and was it true? Chap wasn't very senior and didn't know about Universal. Told him to have a word with the Commissioner3 and we got an apology this morning about the same time as your secretary found an envelope containing ten thousand dollars in your mail! Pretty sly of your man, wasn't it?'
Bond smiled. Typical of Goldfinger to have thought of a way of getting him into trouble over the dollars. Probably made the call to Scotland Yard directly after the game. He had wanted to show Bond that if you gave Goldfinger a knock you'd get at least a thorn in your hand. But the Universal Export cover seemed to have stuck. Bond said, 'That's pretty hot! The twister! You might tell the managing director that this time it goes to the White Cross. Can you fix the other things?'
'Of course. Call you back in a few minutes. But watch your step abroad and call us at once if you get bored and need company. So long.'
"Bye.' Bond put down the receiver. He got up and set about packing his bag. He could see the scene in the Chief of Staff's office as the conversation was played back off the tape while the Chief of Staff translated the call to Miss Money-penny. 'Says he agrees that Goldfinger is up to something big but he can't make out what. G. is flying this morning with his Rolls from Ferryfield. 007 wants to follow. (Let's say two hours later to let G. get well away on the other side. Fix the reservation, would you?) He wants us to have a word with Customs so that he can take a good look at the Rolls and plant a Homer in the boot. (Fix that too, please.) He'll keep in touch through stations in case he needs help…'
And so forth4. It was an efficient machine. Bond finished packing and, when the London call came giving him his various clearances5, he went downstairs, paid his bill and got quickly out of Ramsgate on to the Canterbury road.
London had said that Goldfinger was booked on a special flight leaving at twelve. Bond got to Ferryfield by eleven, made himself known to the Chief Passport Control and the Customs officers who were expecting him, had his car taken out of sight into an empty hangar and sat and smoked and talked minor6 shop with the passport men. They thought he was from Scotland Yard. He let them go on thinking it. No, he said, Goldfinger was all right. It was possible that one of his servants was trying to smuggle7 something out of the country. Rather confidential8. If Bond could just be left alone with the car for ten minutes? He wanted to have a look at the tool kit9. Would the Customs give the rest of the Rolls their Grade A going over for hidden compartments11? They'd be glad to do so.
At eleven-forty-five one of the Customs men put his head round the door. He winked12 at Bond. 'Coming in now. Chauffeur13 on board. Going to ask both to board the plane before the car. Tell them it's something to do with the weight distribution. Not so phoney as it sounds. We know this old crate14. She's armour-plated. Weighs about three tons. Call you when we're ready.'
'Thanks.' The room emptied. Bond took the fragile little parcel out of his pocket. It contained a dry-cell battery wired to a small vacuum tube. He ran his eye over the wiring and put the apparatus15 back in his coat pocket and waited.
At eleven-fifty-five the door opened. The officer beckoned16. 'No trouble. They're on the plane.'
The huge gleaming Silver Ghost stood in the Customs bay out of sight of the plane. The only other car was a dove-grey Triumph TR3 convertible17 with its hood18 down. Bond went to the back of the Rolls. The Customs men had unscrewed the plate of the spare tool compartment10. Bond pulled out the tray of tools and made a show of minutely examining them and the tray. He knelt down. Under cover of rummaging19 at the sides of the compartment, he slipped the battery and tube into the back of it. He replaced the tool tray. It fitted all right. He stood up and brushed his hands together. 'Negative,' he said to the Customs officer.
The officer fitted the plate on and screwed it down with the square key. He stood up. 'Nothing funny about the chassis20 or the bodywork. Plenty of room in the frame and upholstery but we couldn't get at them without doing a major job. All right to go?'
'Yes, and thanks.' Bond walked back into the office. He heard the quick solid whine21 of the old self-starter. A minute later, the car came out of the bay and idled superbly over to the loading ramp22. Bond stood at the back of the office and watched it being eased up the ramp. The big jaws23 of the Bristol Freighter clanged shut. The chocks were jerked away and the dispatcher raised a thumb. The two engines coughed heavily and fired and the great silver dragonfly trundled off towards the runway.
When the plane was on the runway, Bond walked round to his car and climbed into the driver's seat. He pressed a switch under the dash. There was a moment's silence, then a loud harsh howl came from the hidden loud-speaker. Bond turned a knob. The howl diminished to a deep drone. Bond waited until he heard the Bristol take off. As the plane rose and made for the coast the drone diminished. In five minutes it had gone. Bond tuned25 the set and picked it up again. He followed it for five minutes as the plane made off across the Channel and then switched the set off. He motored round to the Customs bay, told the AA that he would be back at one-thirty for the two o'clock flight, and drove slowly off towards a pub he knew in Rye. From now on, so long as he kept within about a hundred miles of the Rolls, the Homer, the rough radio transmitter he had slipped into its tool compartment, would keep contact with Bond's receiver. All he had to do was watch the decibels26 and not allow the noise to fade. It was a simple form of direction finding which allowed one car to put a 'long tail' on another and keep in touch without any danger of being spotted27. On the other side of the Channel, Bond would have to discover the road Goldfinger had taken out of Le Touquet, get well within range and close up near big towns or wherever there was a major fork or crossroads. Sometimes Bond would make a wrong decision and have to do some fast motoring to catch up again. The DB III would look after that. It was going to be fun playing hare and hounds across Europe. The sun was shining out of a clear sky. Bond felt a moment's sharp thrill down his spine28. He smiled to himself, a hard, cold, cruel smile. Goldfinger, he thought, for the first time in your life you're in trouble - bad trouble.
There is always an agent cycliste at the dangerous crossroads where Le Touquet's quiet N38 meets the oily turbulence29 of the major Nl. Yes, certainly he had seen the Rolls. One could not fail to remark it. A real aristocrat30 of a car. To the right, monsieur, towards Abbeville. He will be an hour ahead, but with that bolide of yours…!
As soon as Bond had cleared his papers at the airport, the Homer had picked up the drone of the Rolls. But it was impossible to tell if Goldfinger was heading north - for the Low Countries or Austria or Germany - or if he was off to the south. For that sort of fix you needed two radio cars to get a bearing. Bond raised a hand to the agent and gave his engine the gun. He would have to close up fast. Goldfinger would be through Abbeville and would already have taken the major fork on to Nl for Paris or N28 for Rouen. A lot of time and distance would be wasted if Bond made the wrong guess.
Bond swept along the badly cambered road. He took no chances but covered the forty-three kilometres to Abbeville in a quarter of an hour. The drone of the Homer was loud. Goldfinger couldn't be more than twenty miles ahead. But which way at the fork? On a guess Bond took the Paris road. He beat the car along. For a time there was little change in the voice of the Homer. Bond could be right or wrong. Then, imperceptibly, the drone began to fade. Blast! Turn back or press on fast and take one of the secondary roads across to Rouen and catch up with him there? Bond hated turning back. Ten kilometres short of Beauvais he turned right. For a time it was bad going but then he was on to the fast N30 and could afford to drift into Rouen, led on by the beckoning31 voice of his pick-up. He stopped on the outskirts32 of the town and listened with one ear while consulting his Michelin. By the waxing drone he could tell that he had got ahead of Goldfinger. But now there was another vital fork, not quite so easy to retrieve33 if Bond guessed wrong again. Either Goldfinger would take the Alengon-Le Mans-Tours route to the south, or he meant to move south-east, missing Paris, by way of Evreux, Chartres and Orleans. Bond couldn't afford to get closer to the centre of Rouen and perhaps catch a glimpse of the Rolls and of the way it would take. He would have to wait until the Homer went on the wane34 and then make his own guess.
It was a quarter of an hour later before Bond could be sure that the Rolls was well past. This time he again took the left leg of the fork. He thrust the pedal into the floor and hurried. Yes. This time the drone was merging35 into a howl. Bond was on the track. He slowed to forty, tuned down his receiver to a whisper and idled along, wondering where Goldfinger was heading for.
Five o'clock, six, seven. The sun set in Bond's driving mirror and still the Rolls sped on. They were through Dreux and Chartres and on to the long straight fifty-mile stretch into Orleans. If that was to be the night stop the Rolls ' wouldn't have done badly at all - over two hundred and fifty miles in something over six hours. Goldfinger was certainly no slouch when it came to motoring. He must be keeping the old Silver Ghost at maximum outside the towns. Bond began to close up.
There were rear-lights ahead - dim ones. Bond had his fog lights on. He switched on the Marchals. It was some little sports car. Bond closed up. MG? Triumph? Austin Healey? It was a pale grey Triumph two-seater with the hood up. Bond blinked his lights and swept past. Now there was the glare of another car ahead. Bond dowsed his headlamps and drove on the fogs. The other car was a mile down the road. Bond crept up on it. At a quarter of a mile, he flashed the Marchals on and off for a quick look. Yes, it was the Rolls. Bond dropped back to a mile and stayed there, vaguely36 noticing the dim lights of the TR3 in his mirror. On the outskirts of Orleans, Bond pulled into the side of the road. The Triumph growled37 casually38 past.
Bond had never cared for Orleans. It was a priest and myth ridden town without charm or gaiety. It was content to live off Joan of Arc and give the visitor a hard, holy glare while it took his money. Bond consulted his Michelin. Gold-finger would stop at five-star hotels and eat fillets of sole and roast chicken. It would be the Arcades39 for him - perhaps the Moderne. Bond would have liked to stay outside the town and sleep on the banks of the Loire in the excellent Auberge de la Montespan, his belly40 full of quenelles de brocket. He would have to stick closer to his fox. He decided41 on the Hotel de la Gare and dinner at the station buffet42.
When in doubt, Bond always chose the station hotels. They were adequate, there was plenty of room to park the car and it was better than even chances that the Buffet de la Gare would be excellent. And at the station one could hear the heartbeat of the town. The night-sounds of the trains were full of its tragedy and romance.
The drone on the receiver had stayed constant for ten minutes. Bond noted43 his way to the three hotels and cautiously crept into the town. He went down to the river and along the lighted guais. He had been right. The Rolls was outside the Arcades. Bond turned back into the town and made for the station.
The Hotel de la Gare was all he had expected - cheap, old-fashioned, solidly comfortable. Bond had a hot bath, went back to his car to make sure the Rolls hadn't moved, and walked into the station restaurant and ate one of his favourite meals - two aeufs cocotte a la creme, a large sole meuniere (Orleans was close enough to the sea. The fish of the Loire are inclined to be muddy) and an adequate Camembert. He drank a well-iced pint44 of Rose d'Anjou and had a Hennessy's Three Star with his coffee. At ten-thirty he left the restaurant, checked on the Rolls and walked the virtuous45 streets for an hour. One more check on the Rolls and bed.
At six o'clock the next morning the Rolls hadn't moved. Bond paid his bill, had a cafe complet- with a double ration46 of coffee - at the station, motored down to the quais and backed his car up a side street. This time he could not afford to make a mistake. Goldfinger would either cross the river and head south to join N7 for the Riviera, or he would follow the north bank of the Loire, also perhaps for the Riviera, but also on the route for Switzerland and Italy. Bond got out of the car and lounged against the parapet of the river wall, watching between the trunks of the plane trees. At eight-thirty, two small figures came out of the Arcades. The Rolls moved off. Bond watched it follow the quais until it was out of sight, then he got behind the wheel of the Aston Martin and set off in pursuit.
Bond motored comfortably along the Loire in the early summer sunshine. This was one of his favourite corners of the world. In May, with the fruit trees burning white and the soft wide river still big with the winter rains, the valley was green and young and dressed for love. He was thinking this when, before Chateauneuf, there was a shrill47 scream from twin Bosch horns and the little Triumph tore past. The hood was down. There was the blur48 of a pretty face hidden by white motoring goggles49 with dark blue lenses. Although Bond only saw the edge of a profile - a slash50 of red mouth and the fluttering edge of black hair under a pink handkerchief with white spots, he knew she was pretty from the way she held her head. There was the authority of someone who is used to being admired, combined with the self-consciousness of a girl driving alone and passing a man in a smart car.
Bond thought: That would happen today! The Loire is dressed for just that - chasing that girl until you run her to ground at lunch-time, the contact at the empty restaurant by the river, out in the garden under the vine trellis. The friture and the ice-cold Vouvray, the cautious sniffing51 at each other and then the two cars motoring on in convoy52 until that evening, well down to the south, there would be the place they had agreed on at lunch - olive trees, crickets singing in the indigo53 dusk, the discovery that they liked each other and that their destinations could wait. Then, next day ('No, not tonight. I don't know you well enough, and besides I'm tired') they would leave her car in the hotel garage and go off in his at a tangent, slowly, knowing there was no hurry for anything, driving to the west, away from the big roads. What was that place he had always wanted to go to, simply because of the name? Yes, Entre Deux Seins, a village near Les Baux. Perhaps there wasn't even an inn there. Well, then they would go on to Les Baux itself, at the Bouches du Rhone on the edge of the Camargue. There they would take adjoining rooms (not a double room, it would be too early for that) in the fabulous54 Baumaniere, the only hotel-restaurant in France with Michelin's supreme55 accolade56. They would eat the gratin de langouste and perhaps, because it was traditional on such a night, drink champagne57. And then..
Bond smiled at his story and at the dots that ended it. Not today. Today you're working. Today is for Goldfinger, not for love. Today the only scent58 you may smell is Goldfinger's expensive after-shave lotion59, not… what would she use? English girls made mistakes about scent. He hoped it would be something slight and clean. Balmain's Vent60 Vert perhaps, or Caron's Muguet. Bond tuned up his receiver for reassurance61, then hushed it and motored on, relaxed, playing with his thoughts of the girl, filling in the details. Of course he might meet up with her again. They seemed to be keeping pretty close company. She must have spent the night in Orleans. Where? What a waste. But wait a minute! Suddenly Bond woke up from his daydreaming62. The open hood reminded him. He'd seen that Triumph before. It had been at Ferryfield, must have taken the flight after Goldfinger. It was true he hadn't seen the girl or noted the registration63 number, but surely it was the same. If so, for her to be still on Goldfinger's tail after three hundred miles was more than coincidence. And she had been driving with dimmed lights the night before! Here, what's going on?
Bond stepped on the accelerator. He was approaching Nevers. He'd anyway have to close up for the next big turning. He would kill two birds with one stone and also see what the girl was up to. If she was keeping station somewhere between him and Goldfinger there would have to be some furious thinking. And it would be a blasted nuisance. It was hard enough keeping up with Goldfinger. With another tail sandwiched between them, it would become hellish difficult.
She was still there, perhaps two miles behind the Rolls, keeping well back. As soon as he caught sight of her little glittering rump (as he described it to himself) Bond slowed. Well, well! Who was she? What the hell was all this about? Bond motored on, his face morose64 and thoughtful.
The little convoy kept on, still following the wide black sheen of N7 that runs like a thick, dangerous nerve down through the heart of France. But at Moulins Bond nearly lost the scent. He had to double back quickly and get on to N73. Goldfinger had turned at right angles and was now making for Lyons and Italy, or for Macon and Geneva. Bond had to do some fast motoring, and then was only just in time to avoid running into trouble. He had not worried much about the pitch of the Homer. He had counted on a sight of the Triumph to slow him down. Suddenly he realized that the drone was becoming a howl. If he hadn't braked hard down from the ninety he was doing, he would have been on top of. the Rolls. As it was, he was barely creeping along when he came over a rise and saw the big yellow car stopped by the wayside a mile ahead. There was a blessed cart-track. Bond swerved65 into it and stopped under cover of a low hedge. He took a small pair of binoculars66 out of the glove compartment, got out of the car and walked back. Yes, damn it! Goldfinger was sitting below a small bridge on the bank of a stream. He was wearing a white dust coat and white linen67 driving helmet in the style of German tourists. He was eating, having a picnic. The sight made Bond hungry. What about his own lunch? He examined the Rolls. Through the rear window he could see part of the Korean's black shape in the front seat. There was no sign of the Triumph. If the girl had still been on Goldfinger's tail she would have had no warning. She would have just kept her head down and stepped on the gas. Now she would be somewhere ahead, waiting in ambush68 for the Rolls to come by. Or would she? Perhaps Bond's imagination had run away with him. She was probably on her way to the Italian lakes to join an aunt, some friends, a lover.
Now Goldfinger was on his feet. Tidy man. That's right, pick up the scraps69 of paper and tuck them away carefully under the bridge. Why not throw them in the stream? Suddenly Bond's jaw24 tightened70. What did those actions of Gold-finger remind him of? Was Bond romancing again, or was the bridge a post box? Had Goldfinger been instructed to leave something, one of his bars of gold, under this particular bridge? France, Switzerland, Italy. It was convenient for all of them - the Communist cell in Lyons for instance, one of the strongest in France. And this was a good place to use with a clear field of view up and down the road.
Goldfinger scrambled71 up the bank. Bond drew back under cover. He heard the distant grind of the old self-starter. He cautiously watched the Rolls until it had disappeared.
It was a pretty bridge over a pretty stream. It had a survey number set in the arch - 79/6 - the sixth bridge from some town on N79. Easy to find. Bond got quickly out of the car and slid down the shallow bank. It was dark and cool under the arch. There were the shadows of fish in the slow, clear, pebbled72 water. Bond searched the edge of the masonry73 near the grass verge74. Exactly in the centre, below the road, there was a patch of thick grass against the wall. Bond parted the grass. There was a sprinkling of freshly turned earth. Bond dug with his fingers.
There was only one. It was smooth to the touch and brick-shaped. It needed some strength to lift it. Bond brushed the earth off the dull yellow metal and wrapped the heavy bar in his handkerchief. He held the bar under his coat and climbed back up the bank on to the empty road.


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adj.无线的;n.无线电 | |
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vi./n.轻声笑,咯咯笑 | |
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n.(政府厅、局、处等部门)专员,长官,委员 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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清除( clearance的名词复数 ); 许可; (录用或准许接触机密以前的)审查许可; 净空 | |
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adj.较小(少)的,较次要的;n.辅修学科;vi.辅修 | |
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vt.私运;vi.走私 | |
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adj.秘(机)密的,表示信任的,担任机密工作的 | |
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n.用具包,成套工具;随身携带物 | |
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n.卧车包房,隔间;分隔的空间 | |
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n.间隔( compartment的名词复数 );(列车车厢的)隔间;(家具或设备等的)分隔间;隔层 | |
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v.使眼色( wink的过去式和过去分词 );递眼色(表示友好或高兴等);(指光)闪烁;闪亮 | |
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n.(受雇于私人或公司的)司机;v.为…开车 | |
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vt.(up)把…装入箱中;n.板条箱,装货箱 | |
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n.装置,器械;器具,设备 | |
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v.(用头或手的动作)示意,召唤( beckon的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.可改变的,可交换,同意义的;n.有活动摺篷的汽车 | |
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n.头巾,兜帽,覆盖;v.罩上,以头巾覆盖 | |
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翻找,搜寻( rummage的现在分词 ); 海关检查 | |
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n.汽车等之底盘;(飞机的)起落架;炮底架 | |
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v.哀号,号哭;n.哀鸣 | |
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n.暴怒,斜坡,坡道;vi.作恐吓姿势,暴怒,加速;vt.加速 | |
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n.口部;嘴 | |
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n.颚,颌,说教,流言蜚语;v.喋喋不休,教训 | |
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adj.调谐的,已调谐的v.调音( tune的过去式和过去分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调 | |
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n.分贝( decibel的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.有斑点的,斑纹的,弄污了的 | |
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n.脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊 | |
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n.喧嚣,狂暴,骚乱,湍流 | |
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n.贵族,有贵族气派的人,上层人物 | |
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adj.引诱人的,令人心动的v.(用头或手的动作)示意,召唤( beckon的现在分词 ) | |
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n.郊外,郊区 | |
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vt.重新得到,收回;挽回,补救;检索 | |
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n.衰微,亏缺,变弱;v.变小,亏缺,呈下弦 | |
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合并(分类) | |
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adv.含糊地,暖昧地 | |
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v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说 | |
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adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地,不负责任地 | |
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n.商场( arcade的名词复数 );拱形走道(两旁有商店或娱乐设施);连拱廊;拱形建筑物 | |
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n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.自助餐;饮食柜台;餐台 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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n.品脱 | |
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adj.有品德的,善良的,贞洁的,有效力的 | |
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n.定量(pl.)给养,口粮;vt.定量供应 | |
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adj.尖声的;刺耳的;v尖叫 | |
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n.模糊不清的事物;vt.使模糊,使看不清楚 | |
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n.护目镜 | |
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vi.大幅度削减;vt.猛砍,尖锐抨击,大幅减少;n.猛砍,斜线,长切口,衣衩 | |
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n.探查法v.以鼻吸气,嗅,闻( sniff的现在分词 );抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);抱怨,不以为然地说 | |
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vt.护送,护卫,护航;n.护送;护送队 | |
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n.靛青,靛蓝 | |
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adj.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 | |
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adj.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 | |
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n.推崇备至,赞扬 | |
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n.香槟酒;微黄色 | |
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n.气味,香味,香水,线索,嗅觉;v.嗅,发觉 | |
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n.洗剂 | |
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n.通风口,排放口;开衩;vt.表达,发泄 | |
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n.使放心,使消除疑虑 | |
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v.想入非非,空想( daydream的现在分词 ) | |
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n.登记,注册,挂号 | |
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adj.脾气坏的,不高兴的 | |
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v.(使)改变方向,改变目的( swerve的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.双筒望远镜 | |
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n.亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品;adj.亚麻布制的,亚麻的 | |
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n.埋伏(地点);伏兵;v.埋伏;伏击 | |
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油渣 | |
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收紧( tighten的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)变紧; (使)绷紧; 加紧 | |
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v.快速爬行( scramble的过去式和过去分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞 | |
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用卵石铺(pebble的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.砖土建筑;砖石 | |
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n.边,边缘;v.接近,濒临 | |
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