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Chapter 2: Beef Stew 1
Chapter 2: Beef Stew1
The ginkgo trees in front of Higashi Honganji temple had lost all their leaves.
It was December, and the two elderly women in brightly coloured kimonos making their way
past the monks2 bustling3 around the temple made for an eye-catching sight. An employee who had
just emerged from a religious clothing shop on Shomen-dori, clutching a large cardboard box,
stared at them as if thinking: who on earth are they?
Striding along at a pace wholly out of keeping with their traditional attire4, they eventually came
to a halt in front of a nondescript, shabby-looking building.
‘So this is the place with the detective who’ll help me find that dish?’
Nobuko Nadaya, a wisteria-coloured cape5 around her shoulders, was staring open-mouthed at
the building.
‘Yes. There’s no sign, but it’s called the Kamogawa Diner,’ replied Tae Kurusu, pulling the
sliding aluminium6 door open. Nobuko reluctantly followed her into the restaurant.
‘Come on in! We were worried about you, Tae – it’s getting late!’ said Koishi Kamogawa,
flashing a smile. She was wearing a white apron7 on top of a black trouser suit.
‘We stopped to pray at Higashi on the way. Couldn’t just walk past it, could we?’ said Tae,
removing her auburn shawl and draping it over the back of a chair.
From the kitchen peered Nagare Kamogawa. ‘You must be cold!’
‘Ah, Nagare, let me introduce you. This is Nobuko Nadaya, an old school friend of mine.’
Prompted by a nudge in the back from Tae, Nobuko bowed her head demurely8.
‘Nagare Kamogawa. This is my daughter, Koishi.’ Nagare had emerged from the kitchen, and
wiped his hands on his apron as he bowed.
‘I’m impressed you found us,’ said Koishi, glancing at Nobuko and Tae in turn.
‘Well, now that you mention it, you need to do something about that half-baked advert9 of
yours!’ snapped Tae. ‘I managed to work it out because Nobuko here showed me a copy of
Gourmet10 Monthly and I happened to recognize the name Kamogawa. Without that, there’s no way
any normal person could find their way here with only the advert to guide them.’
‘And yet here you are. Must be fate, don’t you think? You know, I rather like the idea of
connecting with people through a one-line advertisement in a magazine,’ said Nagare, pursing his
‘Well, we’re here now. That’s the important thing!’ Nobuko interceded11.
‘Thank you, Nobuko,’ said Nagare. ‘You seem the quiet type – at least compared to Tae here!’
‘My, how rude!’ exclaimed Tae, her nostrils12 twitching13.
‘The two of us might seem like chalk and cheese, but we’ve always been very close,’ said
Nobuko glancing sideways at Tae.
‘So, what can I get you to drink?’ asked Koishi.
‘It’s a bit chilly14, isn’t it – fancy a bottle of hot sake?’ said Tae to Nobuko.
‘Oh, let’s not drink this afternoon,’ replied Nobuko, as if admonishing15 her.
‘What’s the matter, Nobuko? Feeling out of sorts?’
‘No, nothing like that. I’m just not quite in the mood today.’ Nobuko looked down at the table.
‘Well, it’s not quite the dim sum you requested, but I think this should be just the thing to fill
you up,’ said Nagare, placing a bento box in front of Tae.
‘Sorry for being so demanding,’ she said, and bowed slightly.
‘Dad got quite nervous when he heard you were bringing a friend,’ said Koishi in her ear. ‘He
was worried he might embarrass you!’
‘You didn’t have to tell her that!’ said Nagare, glowering17 at Koishi as he placed another bento
box in front of Nobuko.
‘But this is . . .’ Nobuko’s eyes widened at the sight of the black lacquered box.
‘Traditional Wajima ware,’ said Nagare.
‘You see, Nobuko, even the bento boxes are special. Are you beginning to see why I spoke18 so
highly of this place?’ said Tae, proudly puffing19 out her chest.
Nobuko’s eyes lit up as she removed the lid. ‘It’s not just the box, either . . . Look inside!’
‘How beautiful,’ said Tae, her gaze darting20 from one part of the bento to the next.
‘I’ll guide you through it,’ said Nagare. ‘See how it’s partitioned into four? In the top right is a
selection of smaller appetizers21. In the bottom right is the grilled22 fish of the day – in this case,
teriyaki yellowtail. Top left is a selection of sashimi and pickled dishes: Akashi sea bream, Kishu
tuna, and flash- grilled Karatsu abalone. Seared Miyajima conger eel16, served with pickled
cucumber and myoga ginger23. And in the bottom left is the matsutake rice – the mushrooms are
from Shinshu, and wonderfully fragrant24. I’ll bring some soup over shortly. In the meantime,
Nagare bowed and turned back to the kitchen.
‘Let’s tuck in,’ said Tae, joining her hands together in appreciation25 before reaching for her
‘It’s delicious,’ said Nobuko, who had already reached into the bento and sampled the sea
‘The sashimi looks wonderful, but these appetizers are simply exquisite26. Let’s see . . . rolled
barracuda sushi, dashimaki omelette, and those look like quail27 tsukune balls. And this simmered
octopus28 – it just melts on your tongue!’ Tae’s mouth was agape with delight.
‘I don’t think I’ve had a bento this nice since those Tsujitomi ones we had at the tea ceremony.
How many years ago was that?’ asked Nobuko, extending her chopsticks in the direction of the
‘You’re right. Those were certainly something, but these are just as good. Ah, the aromas30!’ Tae
closed her eyes as she savoured a mouthful of the matsutake rice.
‘No need to overdo31 the compliments – they’ll go to his head!’ said Koishi, pouring tea into their
cups and glancing towards the kitchen.
‘Oh, Nobuko – this young lady is the head of the detective agency. Koishi, she’ll fill you in
shortly if that’s okay?’ said Tae, putting down her chopsticks and becoming rather serious.
‘All I really do is conduct the initial interview. It’s my dad who does the real detective work,’
said Koishi bashfully.
‘Here’s your soup!’ said Nagare, setting a bowl down next to each of the bento boxes.
‘And what have we here?’ asked Tae, removing the lid from the Negoro lacquerware bowl.
‘Tilefish and crab33 meat broth34. It’s chilly these days, so I grated some kudzu in to thicken it up –
you know, make it a little more warming. Please, enjoy while it’s hot,’ replied Nagare, tucking his
tray under his arm.
‘The yuzu has a wonderful aroma29, too,’ said Nobuko, bringing the bowl close to her nose.
‘That’s from a village called Mizuo in the mountains west of Kyoto. Fragrant, isn’t it? Well, I’ll
leave you to it.’
‘This grated kudzu really adds something,’ said Tae to Koishi, cupping the bowl in her hands.
‘Piping hot – and delicious.’
‘Nice subtle flavour, isn’t it?’ replied Koishi, practically drooling as she watched. ‘We make a
hotpot version of it sometimes. Put lightly seared tilefish and crab in the bottom of the pot, then
add some dashi stock and plenty of grated turnip35. Season it with some shichimi spice and yuzu,
and it’ll warm you right through.’
‘I suppose we should eat up!’ said Tae to Nobuko, as if to bring the conversation to a close.
‘There’s also dessert – sorry, I mean the mizugashi course. So please take your time,’ said
Koishi, shrugging her shoulders.
‘That’s right, Koishi. There’s no such thing as “dessert” in Japanese cuisine36. The fruit served at
the end of the meal is called mizugashi. We’re not in France, after all!’ said Tae, her nostrils
‘Really, Tae, you never change, do you? Always fussing over the strangest things . . . I’m not
sure it really matters,’ said Nobuko, setting down her bowl.
‘No, it does matter. If you mess around with language like that, it’s culture that suffers.
Traditional Japanese sweet dishes are in decline precisely38 because people insist on calling them
English words like “dessert”!’
Nobuko watched Tae put a piece of yellowtail in her mouth, skin and all, and decided39 to follow
suit. ‘I wonder how many years it’s been since the two of us had a nice meal like this together,’
she said, changing the subject.
‘Why, we had that eel at Nodaiwa in Yokohama just three months ago. We drank plenty that
day, too!’ replied Tae, setting down her chopsticks and taking a sip40 of tea.
‘Oh yes. I’d forgotten all about that. I’ve been living in a bit of a daze41 for the past few months,
you see.’
‘Because of this dish you’re after?’
‘Yes. It was around six months ago that it all came back to me.’ Nobuko finished eating and
replaced the lid on her bento box.
‘Can I bring you some matcha tea?’ Koishi asked Tae in a curious tone of voice, as she brought
over the fruit.
‘Not today, thank you. I think Nobuko here is in a hurry.’
Nobuko nodded slightly as if to confirm what her friend had said.
‘Oh – is that a Daishiro persimmon?’ asked Tae. ‘I thought they were finished for the year.’
‘Dai-shir-o?’ repeated Nobuko, spoon in hand.
‘I suppose you don’t get them much up in Tokyo,’ said Tae, inserting her spoon into the fruit.
‘And this Baccarat plate! The persimmon is so vivid against the crystal.’
‘Not just any Baccarat either. This looks like their Harumi collection. You don’t see it very
often – even at high-end kaiseki restaurants. Koishi, how on earth did it find its way here?’
Koishi smiled at Tae’s question. ‘It’s Dad’s pride and joy. He has plenty more like it, too. Mum
always scolded him for buying them. How much was the loan on that one, then, she used to say!’
‘Koishi, quit talking nonsense and go get ready,’ said Nagare, emerging from the kitchen.
‘Yes, father, I’m on it!’ said Koishi, pointedly42 shrugging her shoulders before removing her
white apron. ‘Nobuko, I’ll be waiting for you in the back office.’
‘That daughter of mine really is impossible sometimes. The mouth on her!’ said Nagare,
watching Koishi make her exit.
‘Such a lovely girl. Always saying such clever things!’ said Tae. There was the slightest hint of
sarcasm43 in her tone.
‘Enjoy the food?’ Nagare asked Nobuko as he cleared away the bento boxes.
‘Oh, it was delicious. I’ve always wanted to eat here, given how much Tae seems to like it,’ said
Nobuko, eliciting44 a chuckle45 from her friend.
‘Well, Nobuko, shall I show you to the office? And Tae, do you mind waiting here?’ asked
Nagare, looking at the clock on the wall. Nobuko glanced sideways at Tae, then got reluctantly to
her feet. She walked a few steps behind Nagare as he led the way. After a moment, he stopped and
turned. ‘Having second thoughts, are we?’
‘Just feeling a little . . . nervous,’ said Nobuko, looking down at the floor. ‘Now that I’m here
and everything.’
‘Well, you’ve come all this way. Might as well at least have a little chat!’
Nagare turned away and set off again. Nobuko walked slowly behind him, looking at the
photographs that filled the walls.
‘This is mainly food I’ve cooked. Though there are a few other old photos mixed in there,’
explained Nagare. Nobuko remained silent, her eyes glued to one photo in particular.
‘Oh, that’s a crossing on the Eizan line,’ said Nagare, following Nobuko’s gaze. ‘My wife and I
took the photo to commemorate46 our first ride on it together. Well, here we are!’ Nagare opened the
door to reveal two sofas facing each other. Koishi was already seated on the one furthest away.
‘Come on in!’ she called.
Nobuko slowly walked into the room.
‘Oh, there’s no need to sit right at the end like that! Pop yourself in the middle. I don’t bite, I
promise!’ said Koishi with a grin.
‘Sorry – I’m just not used to this.’
‘Oh, I don’t think anyone is! Now, if you could just write your name, age, date of birth, address
and contact details down here . . .’
Koishi placed a folder47 on the low table between them. With what seemed like sudden resolve,
Nobuko began scribbling48 away.
‘What beautiful handwriting you have!’
‘You say the most charming things,’ said Nobuko, returning the folder.
‘So, what kind of dish are you looking for?’ said Koishi, opening her notebook as she cut to the
‘Actually, I don’t really remember. You see, it’s something I’ve only eaten once – and it was
over fifty years ago,’ replied Nobuko, a perplexed49 look on her face.
‘Well, tell me what you do remember. Was it meat, fish or vegetables?’
‘I think it was some kind of stewed50 meat and vegetables.’
‘Japanese-style or Western-style?’
‘Western. Now that I think about it, it might have been a beef stew.’
‘And where did you eat it? In a restaurant?’
After a short pause, Nobuko replied: ‘Yes, a restaurant. In Kyoto.’
‘Which restaurant in Kyoto?’
‘That I don’t remember at all.’
‘How about even a rough location?’
‘I’m sorry, I just can’t seem to . . .’ Nobuko looked down at the low table.
‘Even the slightest hint will go a long way.’
‘The thing is, I had such a big shock while I was eating it that I’ve lost all memory of what
happened before and after. And before I knew it, I was back at my uncle’s house . . .’
‘And where was that?’
‘That’s not in Kyoto, is it?’ Koishi looked up from her notebook.
‘No, Osaka.’
‘Okay, but it was at a restaurant in Kyoto that you ate this beef stew . . . Would you mind telling
me a little more about that shock you mentioned?’ said Koishi, glancing encouragingly at Nobuko.
‘In 1957, about fifty-five years ago, I was attending a women’s college in Yokohama. That’s
where I became friends with Tae. I was studying Japanese classical literature. You know – The
Tale of Genji, The Ten Foot Square Hut, The Tale of the Heike . . . I just found it all so fascinating.
Around that time, I read a paper by a student researching the same field at Kyoto University, and
we seemed to have similar interests, so I decided to write to him. We exchanged a few letters after
that, and then it was here in Kyoto that we met for the first time. I happened to be staying with my
uncle in Osaka for a week, you see.’ Nobuko drank all her tea in one gulp51, as if to quench52 her
‘So that was your first meeting – and your first date,’ said Koishi, her eyes widening.
‘I suppose nowadays people would call it a date, wouldn’t they? I just thought of it as a chance
to exchange our opinions about literature!’
‘But the two of you hit it off?’
‘Yes, I suppose we did. We got completely wrapped up in a conversation about The Ten Foot
Square Hut. Actually, it was mainly him telling me all sorts of interesting things about it.’ A
dreamlike look came over Nobuko as Koishi scribbled53 away.
‘It wasn’t just the conversation you found interesting, was it? Sounds like you were quite taken
with the young man, too,’ said Koishi without looking up from her notebook. Nobuko’s cheeks
turned red with an almost girlish embarrassment54.
‘Well, I don’t know about that . . .’
‘I’m still wondering what it was that you found so shocking,’ said Koishi with a puzzled
‘Well, you have to remember that in those days, people couldn’t act as freely as they can now.
So when, after our long conversation, he asked me if I’d join him for dinner, I have to admit I was
quite unsure. It all seemed a little improper55.’
‘Gosh. I’m sure glad I wasn’t born that long ago,’ blurted56 Koishi, before hurriedly covering her
mouth as if trying to take her words back.
‘Anyway, I was already feeling rather overwhelmed by it all. Then, while we were eating, he
suddenly asked me a rather different question, and I completely panicked.’
‘What, did he ask you out?’ asked Koishi, peering at Nobuko.
‘Oh, I don’t think I’d have dashed out of the restaurant over something like that.’
‘Wait . . . He didn’t propose, did he?’ asked Koishi, her eyes widening. Rather than denying or
confirming this suggestion, Nobuko simply turned her head and remained silent.
Koishi leaned forward. ‘Well, what did you say?’
‘I didn’t even answer. I just ran right out of there,’ replied Nobuko, her eyes downcast.
‘And what became of the young man?’
‘I don’t know. I never saw him again.’
‘Wow. So, he proposed to you, and to this day, fifty-five years later, you haven’t heard a thing
from him?’ Koishi leaned back on the sofa.
‘Well, what would you have done?’ asked Nobuko, finally looking up.
‘I’m sorry. You didn’t come here for a therapy session, did you. It’s that beef stew you wanted
us to find. Could you tell me a little more about it?’ asked Koishi, sitting up again.
‘I’d only managed half of it before I ran out of the restaurant, so I really don’t remember it very
‘Hmm. I wonder how many places were serving beef stew in Kyoto in 1957 . . .’ said Koishi,
half to herself, as she jotted57 down another note.
‘Potatoes and carrots,’ murmured Nobuko, her voice barely audible.
‘Sorry, what was that?’ Koishi’s ears had pricked58 up, pen ready in her hand.
‘When he’d taken our order, the chef started peeling potatoes and carrots, and then he put them
in a big pot . . .’ replied Nobuko, her eyes closed.
‘Must have taken a while! I wonder if the customers minded waiting like that. Couldn’t he have
just warmed up some stew he’d made earlier?’ asked Koishi, a doubtful expression on her face.
‘While we were waiting for our food, this wonderful smell came wafting59 over,’ said Nobuko,
her gaze drifting across the ceiling as she recalled the scene.
‘And you’re sure he wasn’t just asking you out?’
‘At first I thought he might be. When the food finally arrived, and I tried a mouthful, I couldn’t
believe how good it tasted. I remember thinking I’d never had anything like it. My father did like
his meat, and we’d had stews60 at home before, but this was on a whole different level. The flavour
was wonderfully rich, without being too overwhelming. Then, about halfway61 through our meal, he
suddenly came out with . . .’
‘The proposal. Then you got up and dashed out of there. By the way, what was his name?’
‘Nemoto,’ said Nobuko, looking up at the ceiling again. ‘Or Nejima. No, wait, maybe it was
Nekawa . . .’
Koishi was dumbfounded. ‘You’ve forgotten the name of the man who proposed to you?’
Nobuko nodded. ‘The only part I’m sure about is the ne, because it means “mouse” and he kept
joking about how he was born in the year of the mouse. Oh, and I’m pretty certain he lived in
Kamigyo Ward32.’
Koishi scribbled away.
‘I must have looked rather out of sorts when I got back to my uncle’s house in Osaka, because
he and my aunt asked me what had happened. I ended up confessing everything. They
immediately got in touch with my parents, who made me get rid of all his letters and everything
else to do with him. I remember thinking I just needed to erase62 him from my memory.’
‘Well, it sounds like tracking him down will be our best bet,’ said Koishi, giving her pen a good
shake. ‘I could do with another hint. Anything will help. Where did you go before the restaurant,
for example?’
‘Before the restaurant . . . I think we walked a lot . . . Ah, yes, we were walking in a forest. A
deep, dark forest.’
‘A forest,’ said Koishi, recording63 this detail in her notebook. ‘Well, Kyoto is surrounded by
mountains on three sides, and they’re all covered in trees, so I’m afraid that doesn’t help me much
. . .’
‘Oh – when we came out of the forest there was a shrine64. We prayed there, and then . . .’
‘Kyoto has a pretty endless amount of shrines65 next to forests, too,’ said Koishi, still scribbling
away. ‘I do appreciate you trying to remember everything. But with this little to go on, even Dad
might struggle . . .’ She sighed as she leafed through the pages of her notebook.
‘It’s going to be tricky66, then?’ asked Nobuko, her shoulders drooping67.
‘Can I ask what made you want to eat this beef stew again after all these years?’
Nobuko sighed again. ‘I have a daughter, you see. She turned forty this year, but she’s still
single. I think she’s always been reluctant to leave me on my own, what with my husband dying
early and everything. Anyway, about six months ago, someone proposed to her.’
A twinkle came into her eyes as she continued. ‘She told me she wasn’t sure whether to accept.
Then she asked me how my husband had proposed. I didn’t know what to tell her. Ours was an
arranged marriage, so there was never the opportunity for that kind of thing. No – all that came to
my mind when I heard the word “proposal” was . . .’
‘That day fifty-five years ago.’
Nobuko nodded. ‘When I didn’t even manage to reply. Of course, it’s not like I can give him an
answer after all these years, but I do find myself wondering what my life would have been like if
I’d stayed in that restaurant and finished my meal.’
‘This has all been very helpful. Let’s hope Dad can find that beef stew!’ said Koishi, snapping
her notebook shut.
‘Thank you very much,’ said Nobuko, bowing her head and then hesitantly getting to her feet.
When they returned down the corridor to the restaurant, they found Nagare and Tae sitting
opposite each other, deep in conversation.
‘Well?’ asked Tae. ‘Did you tell Koishi all about the stew?’
‘Yes. She was very nice and thorough,’ replied Nobuko, her expression still somewhat dazed.
‘Have you scheduled Nobuko’s next visit, then, Koishi?’ asked Nagare.
‘Oops, I forgot the most important part. Nobuko – it normally takes us about two weeks to track
down the dish in question and serve it up to you. How does coming back in a fortnight sound?’
‘Yes, that’ll be fine,’ replied Nobuko readily.
‘I’ll send a reminder68 closer to the time,’ said Koishi, putting her folder and notebook down on
the table.
‘So, how much do I owe you?’ asked Nobuko, opening her handbag.
‘For the detective service, we take payment on delivery, so that can wait until your next visit.
As for your meal . . .’ Koishi glanced at her father.
‘Tae here has already paid for the two of you,’ said Nagare.
‘Oh no, that won’t do! We’ll pay separately!’ said Nobuko, holding her purse out.
‘You paid last time, remember? That expensive eel we had!’ said Tae, getting to her feet as if to
signal the end of the exchange.
‘I’m glad we could have such a leisurely69 chat,’ said Nagare, looking at Tae.
‘Oh, me too. Though I’m afraid I may have said too much,’ said Tae, glancing sideways at
‘Not again! Drowsy70, you can’t just come wandering in here!’ The tabby cat had strolled through
the door as soon as Koishi opened it.
‘Listen here, you,’ said Nagare, glaring at the cat. ‘These two are wearing beautiful kimonos, so
don’t even think about going near them.’
Tae and Nobuko left the restaurant and began slowly strolling west. Nagare and Koishi watched
their figures recede71 until they turned a corner.
‘I think this one might be a little tricky, Dad,’ said Koishi, holding out her notebook.
‘Well, it’s never exactly easy,’ replied Nagare from across the restaurant table where they were
sitting, as he opened the notebook.
‘It’s a beef stew she wants us to recreate, but it’s a little complicated. Nobuko’s memory is . . .
patchy,’ said Koishi, glancing at the page Nagare was studying and pointing to her notes.
‘Beef stew, eh?’ said Nagare. ‘I haven’t eaten that in a while. And what’s this . . . A shrine next
to a forest, okay. Only started peeling the vegetables once they’d ordered. Born in the year of the
mouse. Uncle’s house in Kitahama, Osaka. Koishi, what on earth . . .’
‘Reckon you can do it?’
‘You’re going to have to give me a few more details,’ said Nagare, propping72 his head in his
Koishi relayed everything Nobuko had told her. Nagare nodded along, taking notes of his own.
When he remained silent, Koishi peered at him.
‘The beef stew itself shouldn’t be too hard to recreate,’ said Nagare, his gaze still tilted73 down at
the notebook.
‘Really?’ asked Koishi, her eyes widening.
‘That’s not the hard part,’ replied Nagare with a frown.
‘But there’s a hitch74?’ Koishi’s expression was quizzical.
‘Oh, just a few things to figure out,’ said Nagare vaguely75, getting to his feet. ‘First of all, let’s
track down that stew.’


1 stew 0GTz5     
  • The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
  • There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
2 monks 218362e2c5f963a82756748713baf661     
n.修道士,僧侣( monk的名词复数 )
  • The monks lived a very ascetic life. 僧侣过着很清苦的生活。
  • He had been trained rigorously by the monks. 他接受过修道士的严格训练。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 bustling LxgzEl     
  • The market was bustling with life. 市场上生机勃勃。
  • This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling. 这一带越来越繁华了。
4 attire AN0zA     
  • He had no intention of changing his mode of attire.他无意改变着装方式。
  • Her attention was attracted by his peculiar attire.他那奇特的服装引起了她的注意。
5 cape ITEy6     
  • I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope.我渴望到好望角去旅行。
  • She was wearing a cape over her dress.她在外套上披着一件披肩。
6 aluminium uLjyc     
n.铝 (=aluminum)
  • Aluminium looks heavy but actually it is very light.铝看起来很重,实际上却很轻。
  • If necessary, we can use aluminium instead of steel.如果必要,我们可用铝代钢。
7 apron Lvzzo     
  • We were waited on by a pretty girl in a pink apron.招待我们的是一位穿粉红色围裙的漂亮姑娘。
  • She stitched a pocket on the new apron.她在新围裙上缝上一只口袋。
8 demurely demurely     
  • "On the forehead, like a good brother,'she answered demurely. "吻前额,像个好哥哥那样,"她故作正经地回答说。 来自飘(部分)
  • Punctuation is the way one bats one's eyes, lowers one's voice or blushes demurely. 标点就像人眨眨眼睛,低声细语,或伍犯作态。 来自名作英译部分
9 advert eVLzj     
  • The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.该广告的內容为一条在金鱼缸里游动的海豚。
  • Please advert to the contents below.I believe you won't be disappointed.敬请留意后面的内容。相信您一定不会失望的。
10 gourmet 8eqzb     
  • What does a gourmet writer do? 美食评论家做什么?
  • A gourmet like him always eats in expensive restaurants.像他这样的美食家总是到豪华的餐馆用餐。
11 interceded a3ffa45c6c61752f29fff8f87d24e72a     
v.斡旋,调解( intercede的过去式和过去分词 );说情
  • They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees. 他们为被拘留者向当局求情。
  • He interceded with the teacher for me. 他为我向老师求情。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
12 nostrils 23a65b62ec4d8a35d85125cdb1b4410e     
鼻孔( nostril的名词复数 )
  • Her nostrils flared with anger. 她气得两个鼻孔都鼓了起来。
  • The horse dilated its nostrils. 马张大鼻孔。
13 twitching 97f99ba519862a2bc691c280cee4d4cf     
  • The child in a spasm kept twitching his arms and legs. 那个害痉挛的孩子四肢不断地抽搐。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • My eyelids keep twitching all the time. 我眼皮老是跳。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
14 chilly pOfzl     
  • I feel chilly without a coat.我由于没有穿大衣而感到凉飕飕的。
  • I grew chilly when the fire went out.炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。
15 admonishing 9460a67a4d30210b269a99b21c338489     
v.劝告( admonish的现在分词 );训诫;(温和地)责备;轻责
  • It is waste of time, admonishing you. 劝告你简直是浪费工夫。 来自辞典例句
  • To date, the Doctrine of Cheng Fu still exerts its admonishing effect. 时至今日,承负说仍具有警示作用。 来自互联网
16 eel bjAzz     
  • He used an eel spear to catch an eel.他用一只捕鳗叉捕鳗鱼。
  • In Suzhou,there was a restaurant that specialized in eel noodles.苏州有一家饭馆,他们那里的招牌菜是鳗鱼面。
17 glowering glowering     
v.怒视( glower的现在分词 )
  • The boy would not go, but stood at the door glowering at his father. 那男孩不肯走,他站在门口对他父亲怒目而视。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Then he withdrew to a corner and sat glowering at his wife. 然后他溜到一个角落外,坐在那怒视着他的妻子。 来自辞典例句
18 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
19 puffing b3a737211571a681caa80669a39d25d3     
v.使喷出( puff的现在分词 );喷着汽(或烟)移动;吹嘘;吹捧
  • He was puffing hard when he jumped on to the bus. 他跳上公共汽车时喘息不已。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • My father sat puffing contentedly on his pipe. 父亲坐着心满意足地抽着烟斗。 来自《简明英汉词典》
20 darting darting     
v.投掷,投射( dart的现在分词 );向前冲,飞奔
  • Swallows were darting through the clouds. 燕子穿云急飞。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Swallows were darting through the air. 燕子在空中掠过。 来自辞典例句
21 appetizers dd5245cbcffa48ce7e107a4a67e085e5     
n.开胃品( appetizer的名词复数 );促进食欲的活动;刺激欲望的东西;吊胃口的东西
  • Here is the egg drop and appetizers to follow. 这是您要的蛋花汤和开胃品。 来自互联网
  • Would you like appetizers or a salad to go with that? 你要不要小菜或色拉? 来自互联网
22 grilled grilled     
adj. 烤的, 炙过的, 有格子的 动词grill的过去式和过去分词形式
  • He was grilled for two hours before the police let him go. 他被严厉盘查了两个小时后,警察才放他走。
  • He was grilled until he confessed. 他被严加拷问,直到他承认为止。
23 ginger bzryX     
  • There is no ginger in the young man.这个年轻人没有精神。
  • Ginger shall be hot in the mouth.生姜吃到嘴里总是辣的。
24 fragrant z6Yym     
  • The Fragrant Hills are exceptionally beautiful in late autumn.深秋的香山格外美丽。
  • The air was fragrant with lavender.空气中弥漫薰衣草香。
25 appreciation Pv9zs     
  • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
  • I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
26 exquisite zhez1     
  • I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。
  • I still remember the exquisite pleasure I experienced in Bali.我依然记得在巴厘岛所经历的那种剧烈的快感。
27 quail f0UzL     
  • Cowards always quail before the enemy.在敌人面前,胆小鬼们总是畏缩不前的。
  • Quail eggs are very high in cholesterol.鹌鹑蛋胆固醇含量高。
28 octopus f5EzQ     
  • He experienced nausea after eating octopus.吃了章鱼后他感到恶心。
  • One octopus has eight tentacles.一条章鱼有八根触角。
29 aroma Nvfz9     
  • The whole house was filled with the aroma of coffee.满屋子都是咖啡的香味。
  • The air was heavy with the aroma of the paddy fields.稻花飘香。
30 aromas 22108e13d76196351f5487c7c02f8109     
n.芳香( aroma的名词复数 );气味;风味;韵味
  • Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm. 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懒洋洋的,感到一种远离尘世的宁静。 来自辞典例句
  • Nose and elegant nose with attractive fruity, floral and citrus fruit aromas. 芳香:优雅、馥郁、迷人的柑橘属水果的果香及花的清香。 来自互联网
31 overdo 9maz5o     
  • Do not overdo your privilege of reproving me.不要过分使用责备我的特权。
  • The taxi drivers' association is urging its members,who can work as many hours as they want,not to overdo it.出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。
32 ward LhbwY     
  • The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.这家医院有内科病房和外科病房。
  • During the evening picnic,I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs.傍晚野餐时,我要点根火把,抵挡蚊虫。
33 crab xoozE     
  • I can't remember when I last had crab.我不记得上次吃蟹是什么时候了。
  • The skin on my face felt as hard as a crab's back.我脸上的皮仿佛僵硬了,就象螃蟹的壳似的。
34 broth acsyx     
  • Every cook praises his own broth.厨子总是称赞自己做的汤。
  • Just a bit of a mouse's dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth.一粒老鼠屎败坏一锅汤。
35 turnip dpByj     
  • The turnip provides nutrition for you.芜菁为你提供营养。
  • A turnip is a root vegetable.芜菁是根茎类植物。
36 cuisine Yn1yX     
  • This book is the definitive guide to world cuisine.这本书是世界美食的权威指南。
  • This restaurant is renowned for its cuisine.这家餐馆以其精美的饭菜而闻名。
37 flaring Bswzxn     
  • A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls. 墙壁上装饰着廉价的花纸。
  • Goebbels was flaring up at me. 戈塔尔当时已对我面呈愠色。
38 precisely zlWzUb     
  • It's precisely that sort of slick sales-talk that I mistrust.我不相信的正是那种油腔滑调的推销宣传。
  • The man adjusted very precisely.那个人调得很准。
39 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
40 sip Oxawv     
  • She took a sip of the cocktail.她啜饮一口鸡尾酒。
  • Elizabeth took a sip of the hot coffee.伊丽莎白呷了一口热咖啡。
41 daze vnyzH     
  • The blow on the head dazed him for a moment.他头上受了一击后就昏眩了片刻。
  • I like dazing to sit in the cafe by myself on Sunday.星期日爱独坐人少的咖啡室发呆。
42 pointedly JlTzBc     
  • She yawned and looked pointedly at her watch. 她打了个哈欠,又刻意地看了看手表。
  • The demand for an apology was pointedly refused. 让对方道歉的要求遭到了断然拒绝。 来自《简明英汉词典》
43 sarcasm 1CLzI     
n.讥讽,讽刺,嘲弄,反话 (adj.sarcastic)
  • His sarcasm hurt her feelings.他的讽刺伤害了她的感情。
  • She was given to using bitter sarcasm.她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。
44 eliciting f08f75f51c1af2ad2f06093ec0cc0789     
n. 诱发, 引出 动词elicit的现在分词形式
  • He succeeded in eliciting the information he needed from her. 他从她那里问出了他所需要的信息。
  • A criminal trial isn't a tribunal for eliciting the truth. 刑事审讯并非是一种要探明真相的审判。
45 chuckle Tr1zZ     
  • He shook his head with a soft chuckle.他轻轻地笑着摇了摇头。
  • I couldn't suppress a soft chuckle at the thought of it.想到这个,我忍不住轻轻地笑起来。
46 commemorate xbEyN     
  • This building was built to commemorate the Fire of London.这栋大楼是为纪念“伦敦大火”而兴建的。
  • We commemorate the founding of our nation with a public holiday.我们放假一日以庆祝国庆。
47 folder KjixL     
  • Peter returned the plan and charts to their folder.彼得把这份计划和表格放回文件夹中。
  • He draws the document from its folder.他把文件从硬纸夹里抽出来。
48 scribbling 82fe3d42f37de6f101db3de98fc9e23d     
n.乱涂[写]胡[乱]写的文章[作品]v.潦草的书写( scribble的现在分词 );乱画;草草地写;匆匆记下
  • Once the money got into the book, all that remained were some scribbling. 折子上的钱只是几个字! 来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
  • McMug loves scribbling. Mama then sent him to the Kindergarten. 麦唛很喜欢写字,妈妈看在眼里,就替他报读了幼稚园。 来自互联网
49 perplexed A3Rz0     
  • The farmer felt the cow,went away,returned,sorely perplexed,always afraid of being cheated.那农民摸摸那头牛,走了又回来,犹豫不决,总怕上当受骗。
  • The child was perplexed by the intricate plot of the story.这孩子被那头绪纷繁的故事弄得迷惑不解。
50 stewed 285d9b8cfd4898474f7be6858f46f526     
adj.焦虑不安的,烂醉的v.炖( stew的过去式和过去分词 );煨;思考;担忧
  • When all birds are shot, the bow will be set aside;when all hares are killed, the hounds will be stewed and eaten -- kick out sb. after his services are no longer needed. 鸟尽弓藏,兔死狗烹。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • \"How can we cook in a pan that's stewed your stinking stockings? “染臭袜子的锅,还能煮鸡子吃!还要它?” 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
51 gulp yQ0z6     
  • She took down the tablets in one gulp.她把那些药片一口吞了下去。
  • Don't gulp your food,chew it before you swallow it.吃东西不要狼吞虎咽,要嚼碎了再咽下去。
52 quench ii3yQ     
  • The firemen were unable to quench the fire.消防人员无法扑灭这场大火。
  • Having a bottle of soft drink is not enough to quench my thirst.喝一瓶汽水不够解渴。
53 scribbled de374a2e21876e209006cd3e9a90c01b     
v.潦草的书写( scribble的过去式和过去分词 );乱画;草草地写;匆匆记下
  • She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper. 她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。
  • He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving. 临行前,他给妹妹草草写了一封短信。
54 embarrassment fj9z8     
  • She could have died away with embarrassment.她窘迫得要死。
  • Coughing at a concert can be a real embarrassment.在音乐会上咳嗽真会使人难堪。
55 improper b9txi     
  • Short trousers are improper at a dance.舞会上穿短裤不成体统。
  • Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral.葬礼时大笑和开玩笑是不合适的。
56 blurted fa8352b3313c0b88e537aab1fcd30988     
v.突然说出,脱口而出( blurt的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She blurted it out before I could stop her. 我还没来得及制止,她已脱口而出。
  • He blurted out the truth, that he committed the crime. 他不慎说出了真相,说是他犯了那个罪。 来自《简明英汉词典》
57 jotted 501a1ce22e59ebb1f3016af077784ebd     
v.匆忙记下( jot的过去式和过去分词 );草草记下,匆匆记下
  • I jotted down her name. 我匆忙记下了她的名字。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The policeman jotted down my address. 警察匆匆地将我的地址记下。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
58 pricked 1d0503c50da14dcb6603a2df2c2d4557     
刺,扎,戳( prick的过去式和过去分词 ); 刺伤; 刺痛; 使剧痛
  • The cook pricked a few holes in the pastry. 厨师在馅饼上戳了几个洞。
  • He was pricked by his conscience. 他受到良心的谴责。
59 wafting 9056ea794d326978fd72c00a33901c00     
v.吹送,飘送,(使)浮动( waft的现在分词 )
  • But that gentle fragrance was clearly wafting from the window. 但那股淡淡的香气,却分明是从母亲的窗户溢出的。 来自互联网
  • The picture-like XueGuo, wafting dense flavor of Japan, gives us a kind of artistic enjoyment. 画一般的雪国,飘溢着浓郁的日本风情,给人以美的享受。 来自互联网
60 stews 8db84c7e84a0cddb8708371799912099     
n.炖煮的菜肴( stew的名词复数 );烦恼,焦虑v.炖( stew的第三人称单数 );煨;思考;担忧
  • Corn starch is used as a thickener in stews. 玉米淀粉在炖煮菜肴中被用作增稠剂。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Most stews contain meat and vegetables. 炖的食物大多是肉类和蔬菜。 来自辞典例句
61 halfway Xrvzdq     
  • We had got only halfway when it began to get dark.走到半路,天就黑了。
  • In study the worst danger is give up halfway.在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。
62 erase woMxN     
  • He tried to erase the idea from his mind.他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法。
  • Please erase my name from the list.请把我的名字从名单上擦去。
63 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
64 shrine 0yfw7     
  • The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.这处圣地是人们朝圣的目的地。
  • They bowed down before the shrine.他们在神龛前鞠躬示敬。
65 shrines 9ec38e53af7365fa2e189f82b1f01792     
圣地,圣坛,神圣场所( shrine的名词复数 )
  • All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines. 这3座建筑都建于3 世纪,并且初步鉴定为神庙。
  • Their palaces and their shrines are tombs. 它们的宫殿和神殿成了墓穴。
66 tricky 9fCzyd     
  • I'm in a rather tricky position.Can you help me out?我的处境很棘手,你能帮我吗?
  • He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。
67 drooping drooping     
adj. 下垂的,无力的 动词droop的现在分词
  • The drooping willows are waving gently in the morning breeze. 晨风中垂柳袅袅。
  • The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly. 垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。
68 reminder WkzzTb     
  • I have had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催还单。
  • It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交的房租。
69 leisurely 51Txb     
  • We walked in a leisurely manner,looking in all the windows.我们慢悠悠地走着,看遍所有的橱窗。
  • He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.他从容的吃了早餐,高兴的开车去工作。
70 drowsy DkYz3     
  • Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache.废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。
  • I feel drowsy after lunch every day.每天午饭后我就想睡觉。
71 recede sAKzB     
  • The colleges would recede in importance.大学的重要性会降低。
  • He saw that the dirty water had begun to recede.他发现那污浊的水开始往下退了。
72 propping 548f07f69caff3c98b65a959401073ee     
  • You can usually find Jack propping up the bar at his local. 你常常可以看见杰克频繁出没于他居住的那家酒店。
  • The government was accused of propping up declining industries. 政府被指责支持日益衰败的产业。
73 tilted 3gtzE5     
v. 倾斜的
  • Suddenly the boat tilted to one side. 小船突然倾向一侧。
  • She tilted her chin at him defiantly. 她向他翘起下巴表示挑衅。
74 hitch UcGxu     
  • They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch hike.他们要走80英里的路程,最后决定搭便车。
  • All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.所有报考者都能对答如流。
75 vaguely BfuzOy     
  • He had talked vaguely of going to work abroad.他含糊其词地说了到国外工作的事。
  • He looked vaguely before him with unseeing eyes.他迷迷糊糊的望着前面,对一切都视而不见。


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