All that day and the next Maurice was planning how he could see this queer fish again. The chances were bad. He did not like to call on a senior-year man, and they were at different colleges. Risley, he gathered, was well known at the Union, and he went to the Tuesday debate in the hope of hear-ing him: perhaps he would be easier to understand in public. He was not attracted to the man in the sense that he wanted him for a friend, but he did feel he might help him—how, he didn't formulate1. It was all very obscure, for the mountains still overshadowed Maurice. Risley, surely capering2 on the summit, might stretch him a helping3 hand.
Having failed at the Union, he had a reaction. He didn't want anyone's help; he was all right. Besides, none of his friends would stand Risley, and he must stick to his friends. But the re-action soon passed, and he longed to see him more than ever. Since Risley was so odd, might he not be odd too, and break all the undergraduate conventions by calling? One "ought to be human", and it was a human sort of thing to call. Much struck by the discovery, Maurice decided4 to be Bohemian also, and to enter the room making a witty5 speech in Risley's own style. "You've bargained for more than you've gained" occurred to him. It didn't sound very good, but Risley had been clever at not letting him feel a fool, so he would fire it off if inspired to nothing better, and leave the rest to luck.
For it had become an adventure. This man who said one ought to "talk, talk" had stirred Maurice incomprehensibly. One night, just before ten o'clock, he slipped into Trinity and waited in the Great Court until the gates were shut behind him. Look-ing up, he noticed the night. He was indifferent to beauty as a rule, but "what a show of stars!" he thought. And how the foun-tain splashed when the chimes died away, and the gates and doors all over Cambridge had been fastened up. Trinity men were around him—all of enormous intellect and culture. Maur-ice's set had laughed at Trinity, but they could not ignore its dis-dainful radiance, or deny the superiority it scarcely troubles to affirm. He had come to it without their knowledge, humbly6, to ask its help. His witty speech faded in its atmosphere; and his heart beat violently. He was ashamed and afraid.
Risley's rooms were at the end of a short passage; which since it contained no obstacle was unlighted, and visitors slid along the wall until they hit the door. Maurice hit it sooner than he ex-pected—a most awful whack—and exclaimed "Oh damnation" loudly, while the panels quivered.
"Come in," said a voice. Disappointment awaited him. The speaker was a man of his own college, by name Durham. Risley was out.
"Do you want Mr Risley? Hullo, Hall!"
"Hullo! Where's Risley?"
"I don't know."
"Oh, it's nothing. I'll go."
"Are you going back into college?" asked Durham without looking up: he was kneeling over a castle of pianola records on the floor.
"I suppose so, as he isn't here. It wasn't anything particular."
"Wait a sec, and I'll come too. I'm sorting out the Pathetic Symphony."
Maurice examined Risley's room and wondered what would have been said in it, and then sat on the table and looked at Durham. He was a small man—very small—with simple man-ners and a fair face, which had flushed when Maurice blundered in. In the college he had a reputation for brains and also for exclusiveness. Almost the only thing Maurice had heard about him was that he "went out too much", and this meeting in Trin-ity confirmed it.
"I can't find the March," he said. "Sorry."
"All right."
"I'm borrowing them to play on Fetherstonhaugh's pianola."
"Under me."
"Have you come into college, Hall?"
"Yes, I'm beginning my second year."
"Oh yes, of course, I'm third."
He spoke7 without arrogance8, and Maurice, forgetting due honour to seniority, said, "You look more like a fresher than a third-year man, I must say."
"I may do, but I feel like an M.A."
Maurice regarded him attentively9.
"Risley's an amazing chap," he continued.
Maurice did not reply.
"But all the same a little of him goes a long way."
"Still you don't mind borrowing his things."
He looked up again. "Oughtn't I to?" he asked.
"I'm only ragging, of course," said Maurice, slipping off the table. "Have you found that music yet?"
"Because I must be going"; he was in no hurry, but his heart, which had never stopped beating quickly, impelled10 him to say this.
"Oh. All right."
This was not what Maurice had intended. "What is it you want?" he asked, advancing.
"The March out of the Pathetique—"
"That means nothing to me. So you like this style of music."
"I do."
"A good waltz is more my style."
"Mine too," said Durham, meeting his eye. As a rule Maurice shifted, but he held firm on this occasion. Then Durham said, "The other movement may be in that pile over by the window. I must look. I shan't be long." Maurice said resolutely11, "I must go now."
"All right, I'll stop."
Beaten and lonely, Maurice went. The stars blurred12, the night had turned towards rain. But while the porter was getting the keys at the gate he heard quick footsteps behind him.
"Got your March?"
"No, I thought I'd come along with you instead."
Maurice walked a few steps in silence, then said, "Here, give me some of those things to carry."
"I've got them safe."
"Give," he said roughly, and jerked the records from under Durham's arm. No other conversation passed. On reaching their own college they went straight to Fetherstonhaugh's room, for there was time to try a little music over before eleven o'clock. Durham sat down at the pianola. Maurice knelt beside him.
"Didn't know you were in the aesthetic13 push, Hall," said the host.
"I'm not—I want to hear what they're up to."
Durham began, then desisted, saying he would start with the 5/4 instead.
"It's nearer waltzes."
"Oh, never mind that. Play what you like. Don't go shifting— it wastes time."
But he could not get his way this time. When he put his hand on the roller Durham said, "You'll tear it, let go," and fixed14 the 5/4 instead.
Maurice listened carefully to the music. He rather liked it.
"You ought to be this end," said Fetherstonhaugh, who was working by the fire. "You should get away from the machine as far as you can."
"I think so—Would you mind playing it again if Fetherston-haugh doesn't mind?"
"Yes, do, Durham. It is a jolly thing."
Durham refused. Maurice saw that he was not pliable15. He said, "A movement isn't like a separate piece—you can't repeat it"—an unintelligible16 excuse, but apparently17 valid18. He played the Largo19, which was far from jolly, and then eleven struck and Fetherstonhaugh made them tea. He and Durham were in for the same Tripos, and talked shop, while Maurice listened. His excitement had never ceased. He saw that Durham was not only clever, but had a tranquil20 and orderly brain. He knew what he wanted to read, where he was weak, and how far the officials could help him. He had neither the blind faith in tutors and lec-tures that was held by Maurice and his set nor the contempt professed21 by Fetherstonhaugh. "You can always learn some-thing from an older man, even if he hasn't read the latest Ger-mans." They argued a little about Sophocles, then in low water Durham said it was a pose in "us undergraduates" to ignore him and advised Fetherstonhaugh to re-read theAjax with his eye on the characters rather than the author; he would learn more that way, both about Greek grammar and lif e.
Maurice regretted all this. He had somehow hoped to find the man unbalanced. Fetherstonhaugh was a great person, both in
brain and brawn22, and had a trenchant23 and copious24 manner. But Durham listened unmoved, shook out the falsities and approved the rest. What hope for Maurice who was nothing but falsities? A stab of anger went through him. Jumping up, he said good night, to regret his haste as soon as he was outside the door. He settled to wait, not on the staircase itself, for this struck him as absurd, but somewhere between its foot and Durham's own room. Going out into the court, he located the latter, even knocking at the door, though he knew the owner was absent,, and looking in he studied furniture and pictures in the firelight. Then he took his stand on a sort of bridge in the courtyard. Un-fortunately it was not a real bridge: it only spanned a slight de-pression in the ground, which the architect had tried to utilize25 in his effect. To stand on it was to feel in a photographic studio, and the parapet was too low to lean upon. Still, with a pipe in his mouth, Maurice looked fairly natural, and hoped it wouldn't rain.
The lights were out, except in Fetherstonhaugh's room. Twelve struck, then a quarter past. For a whole hour he might have been watching for Durham. Presently there was a noise on the staircase and the neat little figure ran out with a gown round its throat and books in its hand. It was the moment for which he had waited, but he found himself strolling away. Dur-ham went to his rooms behind him. The opportunity was pass-ing.
"Good night," he screamed; his voice was going out of gear, and startling them both. "Who's that? Good night, Hall. Taking a stroll before bed?" "I generally do. You don't want any more tea, I suppose?" "Do I? No, perhaps it's a bit late for tea." Rather tepidly26 he added, "Like some whisky though?" "Have you a drop?" leaped from Maurice.
"Yes—come in. Here I keep: ground floor."
"Oh, here!" Durham turned on the light. The fire was nearly out now. He told Maurice to sit down and brought up a table with glasses.
"Say when?"
"Thanks—most awfully27, most awfully."
"Soda28 or plain?" he asked, yawning.
"Soda," said Maurice. But it was impossible to stop, for the man was tired and had only invited him out of civility. He drank and returned to his own room, where he provided himself with plenty of tobacco and went into the court again.
It was absolutely quiet now, and absolutely dark. Maurice walked to and fro on the hallowed grass, himself noiseless, his heart glowing. The rest of him fell asleep, bit by bit, and first of all his brain, his weakest organ. His body followed, then his feet carried him upstairs to escape the dawn. But his heart had lit never to be quenched29 again, and one thing in him at last was real.
Next morning he was calmer. He had a cold for one thing, the rain having soaked him unnoticed, and for another he had overslept to the extent of missing a chapel30 and two lectures. It was impossible to get his life straight. After lunch he changed for football, and being in good time flung himself on his sofa to sleep till tea. But he was not hungry. Refusing an invitation, he strolled out into the town and, meeting a Turkish bath, had one. It cured his cold, but made him late for another lecture. When hall came, he felt he could not face the mass of Old Sunning-tonians, and, though he had not signed off, absented himself, and dined alone at the Union. He saw Risley there, but with indif-ference. Then the evening began again, and he found to his sur-prise that he was very clear-headed, and could do six hours' work in three. He went to bed at his usual time, and woke up
healthy and very happy. Some instinct, deep below his con-sciousness, had advised him to let Durham and his thoughts about Durham have a twenty-four-hours' rest.
They began to see a little of one another. Durham asked him to lunch, and Maurice asked him back, but not too soon. A caution alien to his nature was at work. He had always been cautious pettily, but this was on a large scale. He became alert, and all his actions that October term might be described in the language of battle. He would not venture on to difficult ground. He spied out Durham's weaknesses as well as his strength. And above all he exercised and cleaned his powers.
If obliged to ask himself, "What's all this?" he would have re-plied, "Durham is another of those boys in whom I was inter-ested at school," but he was obliged to ask nothing, and merely went ahead with his mouth and his mind shut. Each day with its contradictions slipped into the abyss, and he knew that he was gaining ground. Nothing else mattered. If he worked well and was nice socially, it was only a by-product31, to which he had de-voted no care. To ascend32, to stretch a hand up the mountainside until a hand catches it, was the end for which he had been bom. He forgot the hysteria of his first night and his stranger recov-ery. They were steps which he kicked behind him. He never even thought of tenderness and emotion; his considerations about Durham remained cold. Durham didn't dislike him, he was sure. That was all he wanted. One thing at a time. He didn't so much as have hopes, for hope distracts, and he had a great deal to see to.

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v.用公式表示;规划;设计;系统地阐述 | |
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v.跳跃,雀跃( caper的现在分词 );蹦蹦跳跳 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.机智的,风趣的 | |
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adv. 恭顺地,谦卑地 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.傲慢,自大 | |
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adv.聚精会神地;周到地;谛;凝神 | |
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v.推动、推进或敦促某人做某事( impel的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.坚决地,果断地 | |
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v.(使)变模糊( blur的过去式和过去分词 );(使)难以区分;模模糊糊;迷离 | |
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adj.美学的,审美的,有美感 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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adj.易受影响的;易弯的;柔顺的,易驾驭的 | |
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adj.无法了解的,难解的,莫明其妙的 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.有确实根据的;有效的;正当的,合法的 | |
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n.广板乐章;adj.缓慢的,宽广的;adv.缓慢地,宽广地 | |
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adj. 安静的, 宁静的, 稳定的, 不变的 | |
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公开声称的,伪称的,已立誓信教的 | |
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n.体力 | |
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adj.尖刻的,清晰的 | |
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adj.丰富的,大量的 | |
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vt.使用,利用 | |
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adv.可怕地,非常地,极端地 | |
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n.苏打水;汽水 | |
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解(渴)( quench的过去式和过去分词 ); 终止(某事物); (用水)扑灭(火焰等); 将(热物体)放入水中急速冷却 | |
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n.小教堂,殡仪馆 | |
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n.副产品,附带产生的结果 | |
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vi.渐渐上升,升高;vt.攀登,登上 | |
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