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Little Fuzzy

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:830 作者: Henry Beam Piper

简介:The extra-solar world of Zarathustra is devoid of intelligent life, it was thought to be until prospector Jack Holloway discovers a race of Ewok-like Fuzzies....

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator 查理和大玻璃升降机

类别:双语小说 点击次数:830 作者: Roald Dahl 罗尔德·达尔


The Castle of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团2,古堡的神秘来客

类别:双语小说 点击次数:830 作者: Enid Blyton 伊妮德·布莱顿


Dido, the Dancing Bear

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:829 作者: 未知

简介:In the woods, on top of a mountain, in a far-off country there once lived a family of nice bears. I call them nice bears for they were. Of course they had long claws, and sharp teeth, but they never b...

Soul of a Bishop主教灵魂

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:829 作者: Herbert George Wells


The Art of Story-Telling

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:828 作者: 未知

简介:Those who do not love schoolmasters tell us that the man who can do something supremely well contents himself with doing it, while the man who cannot do it very well must needs set about showing other...

Friars and Filipinos

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:827 作者: 未知

简介:While serving on the staff of the first United States Commission to the Philippine Islands my attention was called to the life and writings of Dr. Jos Rizal. I found in his novel, Noli Me Tangere, the...

Black Ivory

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:827 作者: Robert Michael Ballantyne

简介:In writing this book, my aim has been to give a true picture in outline of the Slave Trade as it exists at the present time on the east coast of Africa....

Old Mother West Wind

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:827 作者: Thornton W. Burgess

简介:Old Mother West Wind came down from the Purple Hills in the golden light of the early morning. Over her shoulders was slung a baga great big bagand in the bag were all of Old Mother West Wind's childr...

Ben, the Luggage Boy; or, Among the Wharves

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:826 作者: 小霍雷肖·阿尔杰 Horatio Alger Jr.

简介:In presenting Ben, the Luggage Boy, to the public, as the fifth of the Ragged Dick Series, the author desires to say that it is in all essential points a true history; the particulars of the story hav...

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