How to Face Life
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:699 作者: 未知
简介:How beautiful is youth! How bright it gleams.With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:699 作者: 未知
简介:How beautiful is youth! How bright it gleams.With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:487 作者: 未知
简介:At one hundred and thirty, life was indeed gratifying for Titus McWorther. But for one missing detail, it would have been perfect....
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:613 作者: 未知
简介:A certain miller was much annoyed by a goblin, who used to come and set his mill at work at night when there was no grain to be ground, greatly to the danger of the machinery, so he desired a person t...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:511 作者: 未知
简介:It was a muggy night in Dovernot an unusual thing in Doverbut nevertheless the wind had an extra whip in it and was lashing the outside Channel into a state of wild waves. An acetylene flare revealed ...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:591 作者: 未知
简介:In a life written by a friend for friends there must of necessity be more of the intimacy of private friendship than in a record written dispassionately for an unknown public. The world in general kno...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:607 作者: 未知
简介:Old Jaap Visser was mad. Out there on the island of Marken, in the Zuyder Zee, he was the one madman, and a curiosity. The little boysall born web-footed, and eager as soon as they could walk to toddl...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:601 作者: 未知
简介:Since, dear Rosie, you are so interested to hear my birching and whipping experiences, I will try to recollect them as well as possible, but hope you will consider my weak state of health, and not pre...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:745 作者: Mark Twain
简介:One day it occurred to me that it had been many years since the world had been afforded the spectacle of a man adventurous enough to undertake a journey through Europe on foot. After much thought, I d...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:568 作者: 未知
简介:The literature upon the right and the worth of woman, beginning as early as the 15th century, has in recent times increased so enormously that a complete collection would require a whole library build...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:490 作者: 未知
简介:Jasso grinned, a flashing grin in a dark face. He sank into a chair, pulled out a cigarette pack and offered one to Tern. The older man shook his head, fishing in his pocket for an old-fashioned pipe....