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Son of Power

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:4187 作者: Zamin Ki Dost and Will Levington Comfort

简介:His name was Sanford Hantee, but you will hear that only occasionally, for the boys of the back streets called him Skag, which got him somewhere at once. That was in Chicago....

Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:921 作者: 未知

简介:The Danish Reformation began quietly about 1520, and culminated peacefully in the establishment of the Lutheran church as the church of the realm in 1536....

As a Man Thinketh

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1317 作者: 未知

简介:The Ion is the shortest, or nearly the shortest, of all the writings which bear the name of Plato, and is not authenticated by any early external testimony....

Kings in Adversity

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3202 作者: Edward S. Van Zile

简介:Almost within a stones throw of the antique structure that for a full century has been known to New Yorkers as St. Marks Church stands a mansion that has had,...

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