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Her Husband's Purse

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1909 作者: 未知

简介:The Pennsylvania town of New Munich was electrified by the sudden and entirely unlooked-for announcement of the betrothal of Daniel Leitzel, Esquire; but his two maiden sisters with whom he lived, and...

The Story of a Donkey

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2065 作者: 未知

简介:The author of this book was the daughter of that Count Rostopchine who was governor of Moscow when it was burned in 1812, and Napoleon was obliged in consequence to make his disastrous retreat from th...

Nothing of Importance

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1928 作者: 未知

简介:John Bernard Pye Adams was born on November 15th, 1890, at Beckenham, Kent. From his first school at Clare House, Beckenham, he obtained an entrance scholarship to Malvern, where he gained many Classi...

The Black Ghost of the Highway

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2145 作者: 未知

简介:The roads at the crossing were wide and smooth, with cool woods on either side, but beyond them to the left rose the high, jagged, yellow-and-black mass of the mountains, bare on their upper reaches, ...

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1781 作者: 未知

简介:I lived long enough to see the cure for death; to see the rise of the BitchunSociety, to learn ten languages; to compose three symphonies; to realizemy boyhood dream of taking up residence in Disney W...

Little Brother

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3575 作者: 未知

简介:I wrote Little Brother in a white-hot fury between May 7, 2007 and July 2,2007: exactly eight weeks from the day I thought it up to the day I fin-ished it (Alice, to whom this book is dedicated, had t...

Uglies 丑人儿

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:14017 作者: 未知

简介:2005年,Scott发表了作品《丑人儿》(Uglies)。作品虚构了一个表面繁华美丽的New Pretty Town,这里的人们全都优雅美丽,生活富足快乐,过着无忧无虑的生活。所有的青少年只需在年满16岁时接受一次全身整容手术,即可拥有明星般的外貌和美好的生活。在这一看似充满诱惑力...

Peace Pilgrim 和平朝圣者

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2221 作者: 未知

简介:I am a pilgrim, a wanderer. I shall remain a wanderer untilmankind has learned the way of peace, walking until I am givenshelter and fasting until I am given food....

The Fourth Awakening

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2169 作者: 未知

简介:Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is fr ee will....

火车上的女孩 The Girl on the Train

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:8277 作者: 未知


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