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Men We Meet in the Field

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1405 作者: 未知

简介:The present series of Sketches in the Hunting Field have, from time to time, appeared in the columns of The Country Gentleman and Sporting Gazette, to the Editor of which journal I am indebted for lea...

America and the World War

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1937 作者: 未知

简介:I prayed for peace; God, answering my prayer, Sent down a grievous plague on humankind, A black and tumorous plague that softly slew Till nations and their armies were no more And there was perfect pe...

A Dangerous Flirtation

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3277 作者: 未知

简介:Three young girls, as fair as youth and beauty could make them, stood with arms twined about one another on the sands of Newport one hot August afternoon.Neither of the trio could have been over seven...

The Story of the Gravelys

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2384 作者: 未知

简介:Certain chapters of this story first appeared in The Youths Companion. The author wishes to acknowledge the courtesy of the editors in permitting her to republish them in the present volume.Messrs. L....

The Mercer Boys on a Treasure Hunt

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2078 作者: 未知

简介:His brother Jim returned the grin as he said: Lets go out on the field and ask the kids to toss us one. They wont mind giving us one swing at it. The two Mercer brothers were standing at the edge of a...

Marjorie Dean Macy

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1296 作者: 未知

简介:Marjorie was a feast for beauty-loving eyes as she sat on the wide stone edge of the silver-spraying fountain with its musical murmur of water splashing into a white marble basin. The mannish cut of h...

The Gentle Art of Faking

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1809 作者: 未知

简介:Collectomania may with some reason be looked upon as a comedy in which the leading parts are taken by the Collector, the Dealer, and the Faker, supported by minor but not less interesting characters, ...

The Girl Scouts of the Round Table

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2601 作者: Edith Lavell

简介:THE snow had fallen several days before. This afternoon the ground was hard and white, with a thin crust of ice.Spinning in the air were small silver crystals that danced in the winter wind as if with...

A Sister to Evangeline

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1753 作者: 未知

简介:Revenantla Belle Acadiethe words sang themselves over and over in my brain, but I could get no further than that one line, try as I might. I felt that it was the beginning of a song which, if only I c...

What Nietzsche Taught

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1246 作者: 未知

简介:It is no longer possible to ignore the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche, or to consider the trend of modern thought without giving the philosopher of the superman a prominent place in the list of thin...

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