In The Levant
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2457 作者: 未知
简介:IN the winter and spring of 1875 the writer made the tour of Egypt and the Levant. The first portion of the journey is described in a volume published last summer, entitled My Winter on the Nile, amon...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2457 作者: 未知
简介:IN the winter and spring of 1875 the writer made the tour of Egypt and the Levant. The first portion of the journey is described in a volume published last summer, entitled My Winter on the Nile, amon...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1324 作者: 未知
简介:The following Report will show to Marylanders, how a runaway slave talks, when he reaches the Abolition regions of the country. This presumptive negro was even present at the London World's Temperance...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3200 作者: 未知
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:15082 作者: 乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁 Geoger Raymond Richard Martin
类别:英文科幻小说 点击次数:4745 作者: Isaac Asimov 艾萨克·阿西莫夫
简介:《迈向基地》(Forward the Foundation),是美国科幻作家艾萨克阿西莫夫出版于1993年的科幻小说短篇集,基地系列的第七部作品,归于基地前传,阿西莫夫继续以心理史学宗师兼基地之父哈里谢顿为主角的长篇小说。...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:2053 作者: Jonathan Swift乔纳森·斯威夫特
简介:For preventing the children of poor people in Ireland,from being a burden on their parents or country,and for making them beneficial to the publick....
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:5147 作者: 未知
简介:It is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John and myself secure ancestral halls for the summer.A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say a haunted house, and reach the height of rom...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1411 作者: 未知
简介:HERODOTUS was born at Halicarnassus, on the southwest coast of Asia Minor, in the early part of the fifth century, B. C. Of his life we know almost nothing, except that he spent much of it traveling, ...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:5168 作者: 未知
简介:讲述了007詹姆斯邦德奉命调查三名英国情报人员在美国遇害事件,而邦德必须对抗走私海洛因的Mr. Big和他的巫毒教信徒的故事。007接到一单新任务,英国三名情报人员在美国遇害,英政府却无法查出凶手,007赶赴异邦调查真相,意外发现这宗案件不仅与邪恶的巫术有关,还牵涉...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3274 作者: 未知