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Can Such Things Be?

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:3198 作者: 未知

简介:Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce (1842-1914) was an American editorialist, journalist, short-story writer and satirist, today best known for his The Devil's Dictionary (1911). He wrote some of his books under ...


类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3708 作者: 未知

简介:First published in 1796, Camilla deals with the matrimonial concerns of a group of young people-Camilla Tyrold and her sisters, the daughters of a country parson, and their cousin Indiana Lynmere-and,...

Of Mice and Men 人鼠之间

类别:双语小说 点击次数:151909 作者: 未知

简介:人鼠之间(Of Mice And Men),美国小说,1937年出版,是美国作家 约翰斯坦贝克的作品。 故事情节简单,涵盖的时间不超过三天,地点是一个美国加州的一个牧场。描写两个相互扶持的好...


类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:2975 作者: 未知

简介:按照James Franco的美型,期许如此相貌的佳儿成为中流砥柱的精英绝非天方夜谭风华正茂且企图心强的漂亮男人,体格风骚,身段倜傥,挺拔直耸犹如埃菲尔铁塔的情圣式鼻子,深邃玄奥...

Burmese Days

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:4196 作者: 未知

简介:乔治奥威尔原名埃里克阿瑟布莱尔(Eric Arthur Blair),1903年生于印度。 1907年他举家迁回到英格兰。1917年,他进入伊顿公学。1921年后来到缅甸加入Indianimperial Police,1928年辞职。随后的日子...

The Brown Fairy Book

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:6894 作者: 未知

简介:Andrew Lang's Fairy Books constitute a twelve-book series of fairy tale collections. Although Andrew Lang did not collect the stories himself from the oral tradition, the extent of his sources, who ha...

The Brothers Karamazov

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:4702 作者: 未知

简介:Constance Garnetts translation, the basic version in English of this Russian masterpiece, has been revised by the editor for accuracy and readability. Dostoevskys sources for the characters and situat...

The Bright Messenger

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:2698 作者: 未知

简介:Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) trained as a doctor and took up a special interest in Eastern medicine and religion. He published several short story collections before becoming an undercover agent for...

The Bride of Lammermoor

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:4363 作者: 瓦尔特.司各特 Sir Walter Scott

简介:The Bride of Lammermoor is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, set in Lammermuir Hills Scotland in the reign of Queen Anne (17021714). The novel tells of a tragic love affair between Lucy Ashton (...

Brat Farrar

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3490 作者: 未知

简介:In this tale of mystery and suspense, a stranger enters the inner sanctum of the Ashby family posing as Patrick Ashby, the heir to the family's sizable fortune. The stranger, Brat Farrar, has been car...

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