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玛格丽特·奥格维 Margaret Ogilvy

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:7781 作者: J. M. Barrie


小白鸟 The Little White Bird

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:14026 作者: J. M. Barrie

简介:The Little White Bird is a novel by J. M. Barrie, published in 1902, ranging in tone from fantasy and whimsy to social comedy with dark aggressive undertones.The book attained prominence and longevity...

彼得潘 Peter and Wendy

类别:儿童英文小说 点击次数:46253 作者: J. M. Barrie

简介:小说讲述一个会飞的淘气小男孩彼得潘和他在永无岛的冒险故事,同他相伴的还有温蒂达令(Wendy Darling)及她的两个弟弟、精灵婷科贝尔(Tinker Bell,或译奇妙仙子)、迷失少年们(Lost Boys),以霍克船长(Captain Hook)为首的一群海盗是他们最大的威胁。...

汤姆·史威夫特和他的摩托艇 Tom Swift and His Moto

类别:英文科幻小说 点击次数:3313 作者: 未知

简介:Tom Swift, in his first adventure, has purchased a motorcycle and immediately gets busy modifying it. Eager to test his enhancements, Tom volunteers to transport his father's revolutionary turbine des...

约翰·伍尔曼自传 The Journal of John Woolman

类别:英文名人传记 点击次数:8192 作者: 约翰·伍尔曼

简介:JOHN WOOLMAN was born at Northampton, N. J., in 1720, and died at York,England, in 1772. He Was the child of Quaker parents, and from his youth was azealous member of the Society of Friends. His Journ...

少数派报告 The Minority Report

类别:英文科幻小说 点击次数:12350 作者: Philip K. Dick

简介:The Minority Report is a 1956 science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick, first published in Fantastic Universe. The story is about a future society where murders are prevented through the efforts ...

巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame de Paris

类别:双语小说 点击次数:89560 作者: Victor Hugo维克多·雨果


儿子与情人 Sons and Lovers

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:54248 作者: D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯


哈尔的移动城堡 Howl’s Moving Castle

类别:双语小说 点击次数:97668 作者: 未知

简介:Howl's Moving Castle is a young adult fantasy novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, first published in 1986. It won a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award and was named an ALA Notable book for both child...

时光之轮 The Great Hunt

类别:英文科幻小说 点击次数:9318 作者: Robert Jordan

简介:The Great Hunt (abbreviated as tGH by fans) is the second book of The Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on November 15, ...

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