- Prayer
- Lo! In Thine Honest Eyes I R
- Though Deep Indifference Sho
- My Heart, when First the Bla
- I Dreamed of Forest Alleys F
- St. Martin’s Summer
- Dedication
- The Old Chimaeras, Old Recei
- Prelude
- The Vanquished Knight
- To the Commissioners of Nort
- The Relic Taken, what Avails
- About the Sheltered Garden G
- After Reading “Antony and C
- I Know Not How, but as I Cou
- Spring Song
- The Summer Sun Shone Round M
- You Looked So Tempting in th
- Love’s Vicissitudes
- Duddingstone
- Stout Marches Lead to Certai
- Away with Funeral Music
- To Sydney
- Had I the Power that have th
- O Dull Cold Northern Sky
- Apologetic Postscript of a Y
- To Marcus
- To Ottilie
- This Gloomy Northern Day
- The Wind is Without There an
- A Valentine’s Song
- Hail! Childish Slaves of Soc
- Swallows Travel to and Fro
- To Mesdames Zassetsky and Ga
- To Madame Garschine
- Music at the Villa Marina
- Fear Not, Dear Friend, but F
- Let Love Go, If Go she Will
- I Do Not Fear to Own Me Kin
- I Am Like One that for Long
- Voluntary
- On Now, Although the Year Be
- In the Green and Gallant Spr
- Death, to the Dead for Everm
- To Charles Baxter
- I who All the Winter Through
- Love, what is Love?
- Soon Our Friends Perish
- As One who Having Wandered A
- Strange are the Ways of Men
- The Wind Blew Shrill and Sma
- Man Sails the Deep Awhile
- The Cock’s Clear Voice into
- Now when the Number of My Ye
- What Man May Learn, what Man
- Small is the Trust when Love
- Know You the River Near to G
- It’s Forth Across the Roari
- An English Breeze
- As in Their Flight the Birds
- The Piper
- To Mrs. Macmarland
- To Miss Cornish
- Tales of Arabia
- Behold, as Goblins Dark of M
- Still I Love to Rhyme
- Long Time I Lay in Little Ea
- Flower God, God of the Sprin
- Come, My Beloved, Hear from
- Since Years Ago for Evermore
- Envoy for “A Child’s Garde
- For Richmond’s Garden Wall
- Hail, Guest, and Enter Freel
- Lo, Now, My Guest
- So Live, So Love, So Use tha
- Ad Se Ipsum
- Before this Little Gift was
- Go, Little Book — The Ancie
- My Love was Warm
- Dedicatory Poem for “Underw
- Farewell
- The Far-Farers
- Home, My Little Children, He
- Come from the Daisied Meadow
- Early in the Morning I Hear
- Fair Isle at Sea
- Loud and Low in the Chimney
- I Love to Be Warm by the Red
- At Last she Comes
- Mine Eyes Were Swift to Know
- Fixed is the Doom
- Men are Heaven’s Piers
- The Angler Rose, he Took His
- Spring Carol
- To what Shall I Compare Her?
- When the Sun Comes After Rai
- Late, O Miller
- To Friends at Home
- I, Whom Apollo Sometime Visi
- Tempest Tossed and Sore Affl
- Variant Form of the Precedin
- I Now, O Friend, Whom Noisel
- Since Thou Hast Given Me thi
- God Gave to Me a Child in Pa
- Over the Land is April
- Light as the Linnet on My Wa
- Light as the Linnet on My Wa
- Come, Here is Adieu to the C
- It Blows a Snowing Gale
- Ne Sit Ancillae Tibi Amor Pu
- To All that Love the Far and
- Thou Strainest Through the M
- To Rosabelle
- Now Bare to the Beholder’s
- The Bour-Tree Den
- Sonnets
- Air of Diabelli’s
- Epitaphium Erotii
- De M. Antonio
- Ad Magistrum Ludi (Unfinishe
- Ad Nepotem
- In Charidemum
- De Ligurra
- In Lupum
- Ad Quintilianum
- De Hortis Julii Martialis
- Ad Martialem
- In Maximum
- Ad Olum
- De Coenatione Micae
- De Erotio Puella
- Ad Piscatorem