兔子安息 Rabbit At Rest
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3503 作者: John Updike
简介:《兔子休息了》从侧面描写美国作为一个后自然(postnatural)国家,其大地所拥有的资源差不多已被消耗一空了。在小说的结尾,已五十五岁的主人公兔子哈利安斯特罗姆眺望佛罗里达州一处疗养地的风景时,他透过那天堂般的外表,看到其中的衰败和污染。在这些危险的风景 (ris...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3503 作者: John Updike
简介:《兔子休息了》从侧面描写美国作为一个后自然(postnatural)国家,其大地所拥有的资源差不多已被消耗一空了。在小说的结尾,已五十五岁的主人公兔子哈利安斯特罗姆眺望佛罗里达州一处疗养地的风景时,他透过那天堂般的外表,看到其中的衰败和污染。在这些危险的风景 (ris...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:3566 作者: John Updike
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简介:Mr. Artur Sammler, Holocaust survivor, intellectual, and occasional lecturer at Columbia University in 1960s New York City, is a registrar of madness, a refined and civilized being caught among people...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:3391 作者: Don DeLillo
简介:The narrator of this novel is Bucky Wunderlick, a Dylan-Jagger amalgam who finds he's gone as far as he knows how. Mid tour he leaves his rock band and holes up in a dingy East Village apartment, in G...
类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:22937 作者: Kathryn Stockett
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:6687 作者: John Grisham
简介:An innocent man is about to be executed. Only a guilty man can save him. For every innocent man sent to prison, there is a guilty one left on the outside. He doesnt understand how the police and prose...
类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:4441 作者: Thomas Pynchon托马斯·品钦
简介:Mason Dixon is a postmodernist novel by American author Thomas Pynchon published in 1997. It centers on the collaboration of the historical Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in their astronomical and s...
类别:英文科幻小说 点击次数:30685 作者: 未知
简介:The Silmarillion, now published four years after the death of its author, is an account of the Elder Days, or the First Age of the World. In The Lord of the Rings were narrated the great events at the...