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The White Kami

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1250 作者: Edward Alden Jewell

简介:Her name was Stella, and she did not like her name. Her hair was quite lustrous, but she did not like her hair, either, and stood combing it jerkily before a glass which possessed in its midst one of ...

The Wishing Cap

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:1366 作者: Mary Martha Sherwood

简介:There lived once a lady in London, who had a great deal of money, but who had never given her heart to God. This lady had the care of five children: four of them were brothers and sisters; and their n...

Mr. Waddy's Return

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1133 作者: Theodore Winthrop

简介:The author did not live to revise the original draft of Mr. Waddys Return, and therefore, when his other novels were published, shortly after his death, this one was not included. On looking it over a...

The Yarn of Old Harbour Town

类别:英文励志小说 点击次数:1198 作者: William Clark Russell

简介:Old Harbour House stood about a mile from the Harbour. It confronted the town which lay about one mile and a half off, right across a wide, romantic, heavily-wooded ravine....

The Brother of a Hero

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:829 作者: Ralph Henry Barbour

简介:There was a hoarse blast from the whistle and the steamer sidled in toward the wharf. Rodney Merrill, his brand new suitcase tightly clutched in his left hand and his ticket firmly held in his right, ...

Rain and roses

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:4507 作者: Jeannette Fraser Henshall

简介:FRIEND of my heart when youre away,I fashion for my tongue,A thousand things to say to you,But dear heart when you come。...

Homestead Ranch

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:811 作者: Elizabeth G. Young

简介:Now that the train had crossed the Rocky Mountains, most of the passengers in the tourist car were becoming bored and restless. The scenery was less absorbing; there was so much of it that even its ma...

Bill Bolton and the Flying Fish

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:605 作者: 未知

简介:The young Seminole chief spoke from the rear cockpit of Bill Boltons two-seater amphibian, into the transmitter of his headphone set. Bright August sunshine painted a calm Atlantic brilliant blue two ...

The Treasure of the Bucoleon

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:733 作者: Arthur D. Howden Smith

简介:The messenger was peering at the card above the push-button beside the apartment entrance as I came up the stairs.Chesby? he said laconically, extending a pink envelope.He lives here, I answered. I'll...

Infant Schools and Dissenters

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:976 作者: John Alexander

简介:The following Vindication was written during the week in which the Rev. John Perownes Observations appeared; and the publication of it has been hitherto delayed, partly from an unwillingness to pursue...

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