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The Price of Love爱的代价

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1815 作者: 阿诺德.本涅特 Arnold Bennett

简介:Follows the ups and downs of one Rachel Louisa Fleckring, whose disastrous foray into married life leaves her damaged and distrustful. What's more, a large sum of money that has been entrusted to Rach...

A Son at the Front36章节

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:863 作者: 伊迪丝.华顿 Edith Wharton

简介:A Son at the Front is an extraordinarily poignant novel chronicling the effects of WWI on painter John Campton and his only child, George. . . . Wharton movingly portrays those left behind during warn...

Daddy Takes Us Skating

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1313 作者: Howard R. Garis

简介:Is my nose red? asked Mab of some of her girl friends....

A Little Bush Maid

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1070 作者: Mary Grant Bruce


A Passion in the Desert沙漠里的爱情

类别:英文短篇小说 点击次数:2524 作者: 巴尔扎克 Honore De Balzag


An Old Maid

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1066 作者: 巴尔扎克 Honore De Balzag

简介:To Monsieur Eugene-Auguste-Georges-Louis Midy de la Greneraye Surville, Royal Engineer of the Ponts at Chausses. As a testimony to the affection of his brother-in-law,...

Sir Gibbie

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1044 作者: George MacDonald

简介:Sir Gibbie is the charming story of asimple good boy who grew to be a simple good man. It is charming in two ways--byits power to give delight and arouse admiration and also because it does so ina mag...


类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:2111 作者: Jack London杰克·伦敦

简介:The Faith of Men is a short story collection originally published in 1904 and contains eight of Jack London's adventure tales, all of them set in London's favorite milieu -- the Yukon Territory. A Rel...

The Riddle Of The Sands沙岸之谜

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1636 作者: Erskine Childers

简介:The book, which enjoyed immense popularity in the years before World War I, is an early example of the espionage novel and was extremely influential in the genre of spy fiction....

The Power-House

类别:经典英文小说 点击次数:1012 作者: John Buchan

简介:It was written in 1913, when it was serialised in Blackwood's Magazine, and it was published in book form in 1916....

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